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My Apologies to all Folks including YIN

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  • My Apologies to all Folks including YIN

    I have apparently been out of line in voicing my "OFF-COLOR" comments concerning certain races and civilizations. I by no means meant this to be so offensive..I apologize and will promise to not be vocal and Off-color in these forums anymore.

    I also meant no disrespect, although I did get Ticked off at Yin, but he was doing his job and I wont be voicing my emotions in such a manner again in these forums.

    I think Civilizations Series Games RULE. I cut my teeth on Playstation CIV 2. Ever since I have been playing and learning so much.

    I am 41 and have seen the error of my ways.

    Have a Merry Christmas and ...


    Keep up the Great Work


    headed back under my bridge.........
    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

  • #2

    Well, I can see that you sound sincere. Just so you know, I have a long history here of doing almost nothing in the way of censoring or closing threads. I try to stay hands-off and only step in on things like curse words (Apolyton policy) and foundless personal attacks (though heated debates on relevant topics are fun).

    Finally, since racist remarks have no business here whatsoever, I am glad you won't share such comments with us here anymore. Thanks for your understanding, and now maybe we can focus on a common cause:

    CIV 3!!!
    I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

    "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


    • #3
      [Extending Hand in friendship]

      Commrades...we have a new treaty sworn..and yet have learned a new lesson..


      To all a Merry Christmas

      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


      • #4
        *Kumi wipes tears out of eyes*

        A beautiful friendship in formation. Touching...


        • #5

          Ban him!!!

          "The future is that mountain."
          - Bret Easton Ellis

          GGS Website
          "It is not enough to be alive. Sunshine, freedom and a little flower you have got to have."
          - Hans Christian Andersen

          GGS Website


          • #6

            Originally posted by The Joker on 12-26-2000 08:11 AM

            Ban him!!!

            Worse yet, force him to wait for the Mac release of Civ3!! Hmmm....Troll....that wouldn't be a DL , would it?

            Be what you is and not what you is not. Folks who do that are the happiest lot!
            - Mr. Wizard the Lizard,
            "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow! It'll soon be here!" - Fleetwood Mac

            Have you checked out the MacAddict Forums? I'm "Father of the Bar Mitzvah" if you visit!


            • #7

              Originally posted by MacUser on 12-27-2000 10:12 AM
              Worse yet, force him to wait for the Mac release of Civ3!! Hmmm....Troll....that wouldn't be a DL , would it?

              I'm not sure what a "DL" is..but ya'll see..I had to crawl..before I could walk..and walk before I could off running to play more Civ series..awaiting CIV III...and yes..I am a new person..soon..Troll-War-Monga will be a thing of memories past and Peaceable-Troll..will dot the forums with positive non-insulting-Non-Confrontational..but some thought provoking responses/inquiries..just not any insults or slurs..only well intended remarks..with the best intentions of heart!

              BTW..I play CTP:2..and played a lot of CTP:1..and I look foreward to CIV III..I love it where the units were automicatally upgraded...

              Merry Christmas..soon Happy New Year!


              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


              • #8

                Originally posted by Troll on 12-27-2000 10:41 AM
                BTW..I play CTP:2..and played a lot of CTP:1..

                I hope you do this with an actual computer (if you wish to call a Windows box that ) and not some kooky konsole. It's just not natural to do TBS with a Play Station controller!


                • #9
                  ...or to view units on a TV screen with its gaudy colors and ultra-low resolution. Why people play any strategy games on a console is beyond me.


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by Kumiorava on 12-27-2000 03:51 PM
                    I hope you do this with an actual computer (if you wish to call a Windows box that ) and not some kooky konsole. It's just not natural to do TBS with a Play Station controller!

                    Ill be nice..(Asking Yin to Listen carefully!!..J/K)

                    I have an Athlon 700 256 Ram NVIDIA GeForce 256 32 Bit Graphics Card on which I play my games..Compaq 5900Z I was saying I cut my teeth on Playstation version of Civ 2..and graduated to PC versions..~sigh~..hope you all got it then....


                    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                    • #11
                      Hey, nice computer! (nice response, too ). I'm still using a P2 450...but I made sure when I bought it to have plenty of ram and a dedicated C drive just for Windows (all games etc. go on the D drive) to keep things working for a while. As of yet, RTS games work just fine...though high-end 3D stuff is going beyond my meager system's abilities.
                      I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                      "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                      • #12
                        My box can't do much 3D either - I still haven't given up my old 8mb ATI. Not that I really care, since Civ2 and Freeciv are the only games I play. The dual P3 800EB's on a Epox D3VA mb and 384MB of PC133 RAM let me compile the Linux kernel pretty fast, though. And I can listen to MP3's, leave my GIMP session running, and post on Apolyton while the make crunches away without making my system lag like Q3A over a 28.8K connection.


                        • #13
                          First I must ask Yin to apologize me for what I will tell next. (Sorry Yin, I just can't resist the temptation to tell this )

                          Troll, nice to read about the change for better.

                          Next I'll try to make Yin a lesser god by telling my memories of him to you.

                          Those of you who were surfing already when had it's own forums might still remember Yin at early days. I am not quite sure when Yin started to post, but what I do remember from the early days is that he was sharing his opinions. (I got in his line of fire once and intend not to get a second time, except this time ) Personally back then I disliked his writing style.

                          Then, I think it was Yin's idea, Yin organised a petition for Firaxis on five must important things that had to be corrected in the next bugfix of SMAC. I still don't know what then had happened to Yin, but I liked the change a lot. Even he's writing style became friendlier. (Care to explain Yin? )

                          When CivIII was announced, Yin was asked to organise a wish list and just look at what happened under his supervision? (500+ pages) So Yin has earned his position and respect the hard way, even mine, after a not so great beginning.

                          So Troll I'll be locking forward to reading your writing's.
                          And there is hope, ... even for people like us...

                          Yin: Hope I didn't upset you too much and PLEASE do remember to be extra careful with fireworks
                          [This message has been edited by Jeje2 (edited December 29, 2000).]


                          • #14
                            You see..Birds of a Feather..Flock Together..Passion is what fuels my etchings of emotional outflow..and I will be an additional.."Entertainer"..and "Informer of Low sought after opinions"..Heh Heh Heh..but yes..I understand where Rage and Emotion comes from...I am 41 and intend to be a Positive influence....

                            [Squeezing shoulder of Yin]

                            MY NEW BUDDY..!

                            Ya'll have a Great Day..Im Off to Work Again..look foreward to chatting and posting in New Year with all!!

                            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                            • #15

                              Originally posted by Troll on 12-29-2000 10:08 AM
                              [Squeezing shoulder of Yin]

                              MY NEW BUDDY..!

                              Come on! Squeeze a little harder, man. I want to see what happens when you dislocate his shoulder.

