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Current Turn Tech Valuation Formula?

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  • Current Turn Tech Valuation Formula?

    The more I play this game the more it seems one of the keys is making beneficial trades.

    Ideally I would like to have a formula I can use to get the current turns valuation of a tech. I looked but didn't find a tread on this, but there surely has been many.

    Say you are playing a game with 10 civs still alive.

    How much is Steam Power worth if possessed by:

    0 civs?

    5 civs?

    6 civs?

    9 civs?

    After the basics, then how do you adjust based on adding a luxury into the trade?

    Say Steam Power is worth 400. The AI is willing to accept Silk+200. How do you compute whether this is a good trade or a bad trade?

    Thanks for your advice.

    == PF

  • #2
    A poster named mydisease has posted and updated a tech valuation formula at CFC, and now another poster named The Grey Fox has written a utility to do the math for you.

    Unfortunately, the formula (and the ultility) only calculate "research cost" and not "trade value." The value of any given tech in trade is not reflective solely of its research cost -- wonders enabled, extra abilities conferred, new units, "tech tree chokepoints," etc. seem to affect trade value.

    Also, resources (luxury or strategic) vary widely depending on the buying civ'e empire (strength, number of cities, population, position in tech tree, city development, etc.) Twenty turns of silk may be worth 20 gold to one civ and 20 gold per turn to another.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Catt
      A poster named mydisease has posted and updated a tech valuation formula at CFC, and now another poster named The Grey Fox has written a utility to do the math for you.

      Got the updated utility. Don't understand why with 10 civs it gives 72 for bronze with standard map and chieftain level and 10 civs in game with 0 knowing tech. Base number in editor is 3.

      Definitely is a complicated issue. This almost sounds like a "well if you really want the tool, create it".

      Thanks for the reference.

      == PF

