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Vote: Should the map-generator be scrapped?

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  • #16
    I claim that it should not be scrapped- even though it is not very useful, as you say, some people prefer to have their maps made through a generator that tells gives them a random map.

    Yes, I know it would cost extra time and money, but the map generator should be made and improved because it increases replay-value.
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    • #17
      Ai's expansion planning has to handle a set of variables greater on a "generated" at random map, i agree with Ralf on this.
      Since a relatively -constant- path to efficient city placement must obtain strategy-intelligent parameters somehow, the AI diversified approach could be more challenging on 'preset' coordinates.
      But, then again, that's taking away the "surprise" element of the -unconventional- hazardous from the human player.
      Map designing is always possible if an editor gives the freedom to make a concept work... adding a library of "effectively" ai-usable is an added-value that's been already tackle by map makers.
      It is concievable that "structured and modifiable" AI's have the ingeniosity to adapt to different maps.
      By giving us some AI's parameters to modify, it becomes a question of >how< the maps are explored rather than by which way a computer opponent is the best adversary.


      • #18

        Originally posted by zyxpsilon on 12-26-2000 11:52 PM
        Since a relatively -constant- path to efficient city placement must obtain strategy-intelligent parameters somehow, the AI diversified approach could be more challenging on 'preset' coordinates.
        But, then again, that's taking away the "surprise" element of the -unconventional- hazardous from the human player.

        Producing lengthy posts has its drawbacks - most Apolyton civers dont read them before they answer.

        ANY AI-civ can start randomly from ANY pre-designated spot, and expand randomly in ANY direction. Theres NO pre-designated AI capitol-city starting-points whatsoever, and also NO pre-designated non-tweakable AI expanding directions/strategies either.

        I would add to above:

        A: These pre-designated AI city-placements can be as many (or as few), as the map-maker wants them to be.
        B: They can be manually placed by the map/scenario-creator, and they are invisible for the human player.
        C: They can also be calculated and distributed by the map-generator in the beginning of the game, and...
        D: they can apply to AI-civs only, or both AI-civs and the human player. Its the players own choice.

        That player can choose to play on either hand-edited, computer-generated or scripted scenario-maps, there...

        1: the scenario-creator can choose to pre-designate AI-cities only, or both AI-cities and human-player cities.
        2: the scenario-creator can choose how many global city-placements is allowed, and where they shall appear.
        3: the scenario-creator can script where each AI-Civ (or HP-Civ) shall found any new cities.
        4: the scenario-editor can script when, each AI-civ shall found new cities. HP decides for himself, of course.

        I totally agree with Cornmasters comment:

        "I can just dream of the scenarios I'm going to be able to make with this awesome editor and the feature listed here. *drool*"


        It is concievable that "structured and modifiable" AI's have the ingeniosity to adapt to different maps.

        I am not sure if above quote refers to an AI with the "pre-designated..." idea implemented, or without it? Feel free to elaborate your thoughts a little!

