In CTP/CTP-2 everything is fractionized into multiple manager-screens, and most of these manager-screens is fractionized even further into many tabs. CTP-2 have right-click shortcuts, but still; pretty much clicking is obviously needed. Check out below quotes from the CTP-2 section:
"Too much clicking...too many menus. For example: to change production: click on city, click on city tab, click on the production, click on units/improv/wonders, click on what you want, click add to queue...etc etc. Do they want us to get carpal-tunnel syndrome (or however the heck you spell it) in a week of playing this game? Just too many menus and clicking. My hand is hurting."
The Viceroy:
"Simply right click on city and select build manager ... and then select what you want !"
"Alright, well forget the first 3 clicks. Whatever, I still think there is too much clicking in the game."
"I agree with whoever says there is too much clicking, when you click the eye, it should go directly into the build manager, or there should even be a way to go straight to the build manager from the Msg Box at the bottom. By the time I have 30+ cities, it becomes a huge hassle managing all those cities ONLY because i have to click so many times, and no, i dont want to use mayors, i just want to click LESS."
Well, any comments? Any ideas and suggestions how to make Civ-3 as anti-clickomania as reasonably possible?
"Too much clicking...too many menus. For example: to change production: click on city, click on city tab, click on the production, click on units/improv/wonders, click on what you want, click add to queue...etc etc. Do they want us to get carpal-tunnel syndrome (or however the heck you spell it) in a week of playing this game? Just too many menus and clicking. My hand is hurting."
The Viceroy:
"Simply right click on city and select build manager ... and then select what you want !"
"Alright, well forget the first 3 clicks. Whatever, I still think there is too much clicking in the game."
"I agree with whoever says there is too much clicking, when you click the eye, it should go directly into the build manager, or there should even be a way to go straight to the build manager from the Msg Box at the bottom. By the time I have 30+ cities, it becomes a huge hassle managing all those cities ONLY because i have to click so many times, and no, i dont want to use mayors, i just want to click LESS."
Well, any comments? Any ideas and suggestions how to make Civ-3 as anti-clickomania as reasonably possible?