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255 City Limit

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  • #16
    I agree, and also find that there should be no limit to the number of units in a game, as it is really cheating, building 500 or so fanatics and then whenever an opponent whould like to build a unit a message "To many units" comes up


    Originally posted by drake on 12-06-2000 01:50 PM
    A most discouraging and limiting factor to civ 2. I hope this variable can be increased to allow atleast 500 or so cities in civ 3. NOTHING is more discouraging than finding a great spot for your settler, hitting build city and getting a "too many cities" message....>

    Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
    Waikato University, Hamilton.


    • #17
      Just an ICS concern, in Civ CTP when I play on Gigantic map, I sometimes have problems that once I have nearly taken control of the entire world, all my cities start revolting because of the ‘number of cities unhappiness’. This brings me back to square one, unless I buy a Mind Controller in every city, or build the AI Entity, which usually takes my whole civ in one of the next 20 turns or so. I now just nuke my opponents cities to pieces, especially seeing as though this is not an act of war, so I get peace bonus points! This is a major problem, which has been created by an ICS solution, which limits government control. Don’t do this in Civ III, it must be possible to win without having to destroy half the world.
      Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
      Waikato University, Hamilton.


      • #18

        Yeahhhhh (chuckle)...Call to power is such a stupid game!!!


        • #19
          Being a pacifist/perfectionist I have never once gotten the "too many cities" message.

          In civ 3 there should be no limits on cities, but I would certainly not like to see any empire be held together with more than 100 cities. And by my thinking, there will be generally more cities in Civ 3 because of an expanded map (yes firaxis...bigger map ) so a landmass the size of the US can hold about 45-50 cities as opposed to Civ 2 where 20 cities can be CRAMMED into the same space. So in this regard, no civ should hold an empire larger in size then the former soviet union for more than 20-50 years. The larger your empire, the more prone to civil war/revolution.
          I don't see how they let this slip by in Civ 2. I've played against immense empires and you just stop and think "how the hell could every city in this civ be content??"

          More revolution, more rise and fall of empires, more discontent. Definitely necesary in Civ 3.

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          ~ The Apolyton Yearbook
          ~ The poster formerly known as "OrangeSfwr"
          "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
          You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

          "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui

