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  • Trade=Production

    By Krikkit One of Sidgames-

    One thing that annoyed me in Civ games was that all your cities began to develop into identical megapolises. Also the only city that could use resources was the one in range. Here is my proposal for a, I think, better system.

    When harvesting land, population units won't generate "shields"(production), instead they generate "rocks"(resources). An average population unit can turn 1 "rock" into 1 "shield". Excess "rocks" can be stored (up to a point) or they can be put in a caravan. The caravan could then dump them off somewhere that needs more "rocks" (the caravan would remain able to carry more stuff). The caravans could also ship food and "shields" this way.

    Connected ideas include
    1) dedicated workers/gatherers-workers turn 2 rocks->shields and don't harvest-harvesters harvest 2 squares and don't work.

    2) factories increase how many rocks a worker/citizen can turn into shields.

    3) Caravans that set up an automatic route of selling and buying "rocks", "shields", and food for gold.-allowing a civilization to make a profit by trading with others.

    4) Buying shields from caravans would replace instant builds

    5) "tractors?" or mines that allow a harvester to harvest even more spaces. [a modern population of 1-4 should be able to harvest the entire area.]

    This would allow a caravan route-go to arabia buy x rocks for 1 gold, go to japan sell x rocks for 2 gold, buy x shields for 3 gold, go to arabia sell x shields for 4 gold.

    Arabia -3 gold but rocks turned into shields
    Japan +1 gold for turning rocks into shields
    Caravan's Home city +2 gold for helping this happen.

    Dr Strangelove-

    Perhaps going along with that theme, certain resources could be traded between nations also, and certain resources would be required to make certain items, i.e., city improvements and units.
    For instance, you'd need a certain amount of coal, oil, or power to make factories or manufacturing plants. You'd need iron and coal, oil or power to make modern ships, armored units, and etc. You might even have to pay a maintenace cost in oil, power, or coal to run certain of these items. If the AI were programmed to prioritize obtaining these items in the modern era this would intensify the competition for them, and perhaps improve gameplay.

    Krikkit One-

    Different resources would definitely be good, but I'd like to see how well they could implement a singe resource system first, then possibly expand it. But that would allow a major advantage to having multiple colonies over the map-and making the seas more valuable-the UK of 1900 was self sufficient as long as the transports got through.

    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

  • #2
    AH, it all seems to be falling into place... I agree with this. The only thing is that I think that instead of "rocks" there should be specific raw materials depending on the surrounding tiles. It would also be possible to import from other parts of the world.
    Dom Pedro II - 2nd and last Emperor of the Empire of Brazil (1831 - 1889).

    I truly believe that America is the world's second chance. I only hope we get a third...

