The web site not up until the game is out??? WHAT??
Look, I'm normally a really nice guy, but I that idea's just plain dumb.
Regarding the web site, it's called a MARKETING EFFORT. I'm sure the Firaxis/Hasbro marketing departments have a schedule all worked out as to when they go live with the site (taking into account delays to the game of course). They're not just gonna throw the site up for the sake of it. No doubt they'll coordinate the site with releases to the gaming community and magazines. (And no.. just because they have a date in mind doesn't mean they have to tell you what it is.)
The idea that they won't have the web site up before the game is out is ridiculous. But even then.. who cares? It's just a web site! It's not like it's going to get the game into your hands any sooner? Why are some of you making such a big deal about this?
Look, I'm normally a really nice guy, but I that idea's just plain dumb.
Regarding the web site, it's called a MARKETING EFFORT. I'm sure the Firaxis/Hasbro marketing departments have a schedule all worked out as to when they go live with the site (taking into account delays to the game of course). They're not just gonna throw the site up for the sake of it. No doubt they'll coordinate the site with releases to the gaming community and magazines. (And no.. just because they have a date in mind doesn't mean they have to tell you what it is.)
The idea that they won't have the web site up before the game is out is ridiculous. But even then.. who cares? It's just a web site! It's not like it's going to get the game into your hands any sooner? Why are some of you making such a big deal about this?