I'd like to know all the little tricks and tips you folks might have when it comes to waging war.
- If I can get a right of passage with a Civ comparable to my level of power I'll do two things asap.
a) Place 2-3 units on each resource and luxury I can get to.
b) Divide up their country with rows of units to disrupt their internal flow of movement.
Both of these things are put in place to either setup a devastatinh sneak attack OR to be prepared for when THEY attack me... nice to be able to sever all resources with one quick blow AND be able to slow down their movemnet of re-inforcements.
- I used to rush invade, takeover a city then rush an airport and immediately drop in 20-30 support units. Now with the ability to drop an airfield down with a worker, this is even cheaper and faster. Get the city then drop the airfield, then in come the troops... fast and deadly.
- Settlers as weapons of movement are rather impressive. Building cities as either movement corridors or front line M.A.S.H. units (when you don't have battelfield medicine) is great as a troop supporter.
- Setting up bait... I'll often leave a coastal city totally undefended if I'm spoiling for a war... it seems too attractive for the AI to ignore.
- Cavalry are one of favourite units (and Sipahi are Cavalry++) simply because of the increased movement. Nothing like a horde of horses for pushing the advance forward.
- Taking out Radar stations has become a must, making fast moving units even more important AND things like paratroopers now have a real use.
Any others? Obvious or not?
- If I can get a right of passage with a Civ comparable to my level of power I'll do two things asap.
a) Place 2-3 units on each resource and luxury I can get to.
b) Divide up their country with rows of units to disrupt their internal flow of movement.
Both of these things are put in place to either setup a devastatinh sneak attack OR to be prepared for when THEY attack me... nice to be able to sever all resources with one quick blow AND be able to slow down their movemnet of re-inforcements.
- I used to rush invade, takeover a city then rush an airport and immediately drop in 20-30 support units. Now with the ability to drop an airfield down with a worker, this is even cheaper and faster. Get the city then drop the airfield, then in come the troops... fast and deadly.
- Settlers as weapons of movement are rather impressive. Building cities as either movement corridors or front line M.A.S.H. units (when you don't have battelfield medicine) is great as a troop supporter.
- Setting up bait... I'll often leave a coastal city totally undefended if I'm spoiling for a war... it seems too attractive for the AI to ignore.
- Cavalry are one of favourite units (and Sipahi are Cavalry++) simply because of the increased movement. Nothing like a horde of horses for pushing the advance forward.
- Taking out Radar stations has become a must, making fast moving units even more important AND things like paratroopers now have a real use.
Any others? Obvious or not?