Together with the general patterns for the special resources seed, i would also like to have the ability to pin-point added special resource spots in the Civ-3 map-editor.
You could for example create maps > scenarious with potentially *very* lucrative 3-4 goldmine-mountains within a city-area, but also with very sparse terrain food-support.
What to do? Some wise and challenging strategical planning needed. If the scenario is played in ancient times you cant terraform much. Constant food-supplies ala cold war Berlin blockade, perhaps?
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited November 10, 2000).]
You could for example create maps > scenarious with potentially *very* lucrative 3-4 goldmine-mountains within a city-area, but also with very sparse terrain food-support.
What to do? Some wise and challenging strategical planning needed. If the scenario is played in ancient times you cant terraform much. Constant food-supplies ala cold war Berlin blockade, perhaps?
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited November 10, 2000).]