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clarification on commerce/science

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  • clarification on commerce/science

    Ok I have a clarification question:

    I usually play as an economic power in most games ( i play on regent/monarch but have recently attempted emperor once or twice). Meaning i ususally build whatever hapiness imp's I need and then focus on markets and banks and buy myself up to tech parity before concentrating on lib/univ. so my question is this:

    when you have a 50% market and 50% bank bonus, does that directly affect science rate when you are researching yourself? IOW if i have science slider set to 50% with no market/bank lets say my city produces 5 beakers. does the money generated from a market/bank dierectly affect ammount of beakers with science still set to 50%? or does it just make more money allowing me to set science higher to say 70%? Or does the market/bank effect only affect the ammount of money going to the treasury after ammounts are taken out for lux/science?

    Just curious as someone mentioned in the thread about having a tech lead on regent that univ and banks put him in a good position to gain a tech lead.

    thanks in advance!!

    "As far as I'm concerned, humans have yet to come up with a belief worth believing." --George Carlin

  • #2
    Marketplaces, Banks, and now Stock Exchanges only work their magic on commerce that is directed to your treasury (i.e., not to science or entertainment). If you set science to 100%, banks do nothing for you. Similarly, if science is set to 0%, libraries and universities do nothing (but add culture, that is).

    By building marketplaces and banks and keeping your science set at 50%, you do nothing to increase your science beaker accumulation, but should see incresing surpluses going to your treasury (which would, of course, allow you to raise your science slider if you choose to do so).



    • #3
      Further clarification:

      The happiness benefits of Marketplaces, which are VAST, also contribute to your ability to generate both commerce and science. I consider them, overall, to be the single most important building in the game.
      The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

      Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Theseus
        Further clarification:

        The happiness benefits of Marketplaces, which are VAST, also contribute to your ability to generate both commerce and science. I consider them, overall, to be the single most important building in the game.
        I agree, in the earlier game I build them more for the multiple luxury happy faces than mearly for the commerce bonus.
        "As far as I'm concerned, humans have yet to come up with a belief worth believing." --George Carlin

