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How many ways have you won?

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  • How many ways have you won?


    I am just getting into the game after have been a big fan of CIV 1 and 2(although I have never been great at them).

    Since there are several new ways to win in CIV3 that include cultural and diplomatic ways, how many different ways have many of the regulars here won on? Has anyone ever one the game using the diplomatic and/or cultural modes? Or have most players stuck with the space race or the conquest route?


  • #2
    I have won diplomatic, cultural (both kinds), and SS only. Never conquest (in civ3, at least) nor domination.
    "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
    -me, discussing my banking history.


    • #3
      I always seem to get cultural before domination, so I have never gotten domination.

      I haven't yet gotten the one city cultural win (but I have gotten the civ-wide cultural win).
      Lime roots and treachery!
      "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


      • #4
        All ways, but conquest only once or twice. Conquest for me will only happen: (1) very early, (2) with lots of razing, or (3) with Domination turned off. I will basically always trigger a domination before a conquest unless I consciously try to avoid domination (which I don't do).



        • #5
          Won all except for the UN vote, I disable that one in my games and if I play a downloaded one, I get the wonder and never call a vote. I did have a game that I forgot to build the wonder in a downloaded game and lost the vote. I had failed to notice it was in the game until it was too late.


          • #6
            Only SS and domination. I've never won a vote, had twice as much culture, or bothered to try conquest.


            • #7
              Oh yeah. And the thought of playing until 2050 for points is an unspeakable waste of time.


              adding IMO so i don't get flamed by HoFers
              Last edited by Jawa Jocky; November 19, 2002, 19:42.


              • #8
                Lots of SS launches for me. Other victories include "by rank #1 in 2050AD" (twice), one successful UN vote and one domination. No culture wins yet (may have something to do with the fact that I play exclusively Standard maps...?). Never bothered to try a conquest (I'm more of a builder type than a warmonger)...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jawa Jocky
                  Oh yeah. And the thought of playing until 2050 for points is an unspeakable waste of time.
                  I am not sure I would concur with the waste of time, but it can be very tedious. I mean if you play an extra xx hours on this game or start a new, is one a waste of time and the other a wise investment? If you are there for the fun and either gives it to you then there you go.


                  • #10
                    I usually play with military victories on, but a few times I turn on the other victory conditions.


                    • #11
                      All ways except single city culture and rank. I mostly win by military victories. I usually have to go to war to avoid losing the space race.

                      I disable the UN because it seems too absolute. If I build it, I win. If they build it, they win.


                      • #12
                        Only domination, conquest, and score at 2050 (once, my first ever game).


                        • #13
                          Only one, and that's diplomatically. It was really pathetic the way I won - I had slipped up a histograph lead and was falling way behind in tech and score. Luckily I had built Iron Works and built two turns faster than the AI.
                          I wish for a custom avatar - it would give me some individuality.
                          I am a dissenter of the required first/last name fields.


                          • #14
                            Space, culture by both means, conquest and diplomatic. Well actually I tried out diplomatic in my first game by cheduling the shuttle launch later, and went with space launch in the end. So I haven't really done diplomatic, but I don't want to now that I have seen it's nothing special. Still missing domination, I have old game unfinished where I'm getting almost 1000 culture per turn and all the others are far from reaching 50k so we'll see... about 20 turns to go and I still need much more land to get domination. Stupid of me to leave the culture box checked.
                            Oh yeah and never have I done that histograph thing. Sounds tedious, I haven't ever even got to 1900.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Naiveplayer
                              Only one, and that's diplomatically. It was really pathetic the way I won - I had slipped up a histograph lead and was falling way behind in tech and score. Luckily I had built Iron Works and built two turns faster than the AI.
                              What do you mean pathetic? That sounds cool

                              Edit:stupid grammar

