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Download Troubles

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  • Download Troubles

    Could someone please tell which Unzip program to use to unzip EXE program files? I have Unzip Wizard & WinZip but neither of these can unzip EXE files; perhaps someone could explain to this computer dunce which unzip program they themselves use to access these files(EXE) and bail me out. Thanx.

  • #2
    Generally, EXE files are "executables", not "archives". Only certain special EXE files are (self-extracting) archives. If WinZip does not recognize an EXE file as "unpackable", chances are that it is not an archive in the common sense of the word... Sometimes, it will be an "installation file" created by InstallShield or other install utility - you will have to run such one to extract/install its content.

    Basically, if WinZip can't load an EXE file, then that EXE is not an archive you could unpack by an external utility.


    • #3
      Is it a RAR? I have had that in the past.


      • #4 Get WinRAR, great program. It can actually open self-extracting rars/zips if you tell it to. But also, have you not tried double clicking it and running it? It should work if its self-extracting, they're meant to be used without the programs that made them I thought. If you mean a regular EXE, that can't be done by a normal zip/rar/ace/etc.. program.
        "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


        • #5
          Thanks, Gentlemen. Thank-You very much. Your answers are very helpful.

