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  • Terror

    Terror acts that cause improvements destruction and small populations loses and can deteriorate the realtions between civs.

    Can happen when two civs are in cease-fire situation.

    The leaders are the ones that create the terror acts but they dont control the details(like what to desroy or where), and there is a small amount of spontanios terror acts.

    Sometimes some major terror act may happen causing big destruction or population loss.

    Because the leaders cant rule the details it doesnt complicates the game, and can be a usefull tool for small civ fighting with a big one.

    Your opinion?

    That was another post in my long journey to KING.

    Dammit Bulldog!
    Did you really had to PM me about Area25???

  • #2
    I think that the terrorattacks should most of the time only caouse unhappiness, there is usually no major improvements that gets destroyed by terror attacks, at least not civ-term improvements. Not bye these kinds of terrorism. On the other hand government controlled terrorism can be very nasty.


    • #3
      right, I forgot about the happines.

      but IMO, temple here or a library there, or even some bigger improvement once in a while.

      it can be nice.
      imagine youself : you have a very good peace treaty with some strong civ and then some terrorists from your civ destroy some colliseum, and in the next turn poison water, your relations deteriorate and can even cause war.

      realistic and adds more nice details to the game.

      That was another post in my long journey to KING.

      Dammit Bulldog!
      Did you really had to PM me about Area25???


      • #4
        But how can the other civ know it's you?? Of course if they are caught, some of them could blab, but if they make it, I don't think some other than you and them know it!

        Who am I? What am I? do we need Civ? YES!!
        Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
        I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
        Also active on WePlayCiv.


        • #5
          Maybe we can do as I think they did in russia last year. Terrorize their own citizens and blame another people to justify a war.


          • #6
            Stuff2, do you mind elaborating on that one?

            I think only major terror acts should actually destroy buildings etc. This is more a commando / special ops. thing.

            (the NN% means the chance you'll get away undiscovered)

            1. Small Acts:
            1.1. Some shooting at people (no serious results) 50%
            1.2. Placing mines injuring small numbers of people 80%
            1.3. Vandalism on a small scale 50%

            Penalty: Committer gets -5% in relations with target country

            2. Medium Acts:
            2.1. Exploding means of mass transit (buses, trains etc.) 50%
            2.2 Explosions in populated neighbourhoods, streets, malls. 50%
            2.3. Assasinating some people (like in the basque region) 35%
            2.4. Lynching people / wild rioting (Israel-Palestine, Basque region) 0%

            Penalty: Committer gets -5% to -15% in reputation world wide and -20% to -40% in relations with victim nation

            3. Serious Acts
            3.1. Highjacking airplanes / ships / whatever 10%
            3.2. Kidnapping people / soldiers / children 10%
            3.3. Huge explosions that take out whole buildings / blocks 20%
            3.4. Big explosions in important places (wall st., trade center, white house etc.) 20%

            Penalty: Committer gets -20% to -45% in reputation world wide, peace treaty cancelled -50% to -70% in relations with victim nation

            4. Major Acts
            3.1. Assasinating very high ranking people 20%
            3.2. Planting nuclear devices (and setting them off ) 30%

            Penalty: A text box appears saying: OH MY GOD! THEY KILLED KENNY! . No actually this means war + vendetta against committer.


            • #7
              Sorry, it's only my own suspicion about the terror attacks in moskow and the war in tjetjenia (i can't spell it in english but i hope you understand). I have no evidence whatsoever for that opinion.

              Still it could be useful if you want to start a war.
              I know from swedish history it has happened that swedish men where dressed as finnish or russian soldiers and making raids in swedish territory so that the government could could justify a war. (I don't remeber wich one but it had to do with finland in some way (as you may know finland has been both under swedish and russian influence during most of it's history)).


              • #8
                Would this be similar to the espionage screen in Alpha Centauri.... you have the option of performing an espionage act and make it like someone else did it...

                I like the idea of deflecting the blame onto someone else while using spies...


                • #9

                  Originally posted by Lestat on 11-03-2000 02:49 AM
                  Would this be similar to the espionage screen in Alpha Centauri.... you have the option of performing an espionage act and make it like someone else did it...

                  I like the idea of deflecting the blame onto someone else while using spies...

                  yeah, this can be nice...

                  I also liked your list Siro, except the 0% mistake.


                  • #10
                    tjetjenia = Chechnya? I don't even pretend to understand what's been goig on there.

                    Great ideas about terrorism. Question: Would this have any other effects than annoying the other civilzations and making them angry at you? Maybe it could make your own people happier, or improve relations with other terrorist nations. Just a thought.
                    " is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it." Commander Togge, SW:ANH


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by Dienstag on 11-03-2000 01:20 PM
                      Would this have any other effects than annoying the other civilzations and making them angry at you?

                      yes, this is one of the main reasons for terror.


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by Dienstag on 11-03-2000 01:20 PM
                        tjetjenia = Chechnya? I don't even pretend to understand what's been goig on there.

                        Neither do we.

                        I still don't really get it.


                        Maybe it could make your own people happier, or improve relations with other terrorist nations. Just a thought.

                        And a nice thouhgt indeed. Keep thinking! It makes you lose weight, height and tons of visa cards.

                        Actually making your people happier should work, but only if you are a funamentalist.

                        And it can only improve your contact with other terror nations if you are discovered which is not always what you want, though you might be in a stage where you have 78643 zillion nukes and you don't really care about the enviroment .


                        • #13
                          Cool idea, builder. This would be especiallyn useful in the modern age, when democratic and republican govts are made to be such pansies.
                          It' alway so hard to wage war with a democratic or republican government. If that dem/rep government civ is attacked by terrorists and if the civ responsible is discovered, then the Rep's Senate could demand war with that civ or that Dem's cost of support could decrease (making production/support easier) ony so long as hostilities continued between themselves and the terrorist civ.
                          An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile,
                          hoping it will eat him last.
                          Winston Churchill

