Originally posted by bongo
Governors can be very useful cause they save you a lot of micromanagement but they are not as effective as a human. Myself I wait to turn them on until I really need them. When I reach 10-15 cities with an representative government is about the right time. I often turn them off for special occasions like a wonder-race or when I want to starve a city down.
They are sometimes a bit slow and don't change worker orders until next turn.
BTW, my standard governor setting is manage mood, optimize production and commerce(but not food)
Governors can be very useful cause they save you a lot of micromanagement but they are not as effective as a human. Myself I wait to turn them on until I really need them. When I reach 10-15 cities with an representative government is about the right time. I often turn them off for special occasions like a wonder-race or when I want to starve a city down.
They are sometimes a bit slow and don't change worker orders until next turn.
BTW, my standard governor setting is manage mood, optimize production and commerce(but not food)