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Monitor Displaying a "Over Range" Error ~ Please Help

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  • Monitor Displaying a "Over Range" Error ~ Please Help

    I bought CivIII when it first came out and enjoyed many hours playing it but eventually got burnt out on it. After it sat collecting dust for a few months I decided to play it again the other day. This time, however, my monitor displayed only a "Over Range" error and I could not play the game. What is wrong and how do I fix the problem? I've tried re-installing the game and everything. Please help.

    Also, I saw a CivIII expansion at Wal-Mart the other day. Is it worth the $$$ if I get the game working on my computer again?

    Thanks a bunchl.
    "Those of you who think you know everything are annoying those of us who do."

  • #2
    Ike, what is the graphic mode you normally run your machine in? 800x600? 1024x768? There is a line in the CIV3.INI file, "KeepRes=" that allows to "keep" the resolution (if set to 1) you have been using prior to launching Civ3. That might help, if your regular resolution is high enough.

    Also, did you do any changes to your computer setup since you last successfully played Civ3? New monitor? New videocard? Driver changes?

    As for the PtW - have a look in the "Play the World" forum, there you will find LOTS of material to think about...


    • #3
      On my comp, I get this error when I use the 'KeepRes=1' line, probably because Civ3 tries to set a refresh frequency that is not supported by my screen.
      "Great artists have no country."
      -Alfred de Musset


      • #4
        Normally I run in a 1024x768 graphic mode but I've tried bumping it down to a 800x600 with no luck. No changes have been made to the computer either. (At least that I'm aware of.) I thought of trying to download the latest driver for my video card and also looking at the Civ3.ini when I get home today. Any other suggestions?
        "Those of you who think you know everything are annoying those of us who do."


        • #5
          Originally posted by ike0481
          Normally I run in a 1024x768 graphic mode but I've tried bumping it down to a 800x600 with no luck...
          The game won't work below a resolution of 1024 x 768 x 16-bit color. I would:

          1. Make sure your resolution is at or above that.
          2. Make sure no other programs are running in the background (including screen savers and such).
          3. Make sure you still have DirectX 8.0a or better.
          4. Install latest Civ3 patch.
          5. Install latest Video Card drivers.

          4&5 are, of course, the canned response you get whenever anything goes wrong (you already reinstalled the game, so I left that out...).
          "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
          "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
          "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


          • #6
            You could try installing the specific drivers for your monitor if you know the company/model, just search online and you should find em, sometime using those instead of the default windows ones helps.

            As for PtW, if you're buying it solely for internet MP i'd wait until a patch comes out. If you've been enjoying Civ3 sp all this time i'd get it, the new civs/improvements/tweaked AI/and so forth is nice.
            "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


            • #7
              Originally posted by ike0481
              Normally I run in a 1024x768 graphic mode but I've tried bumping it down to a 800x600 with no luck. No changes have been made to the computer either. (At least that I'm aware of.) I thought of trying to download the latest driver for my video card and also looking at the Civ3.ini when I get home today. Any other suggestions?
              Yep, 1024x768 is fine, stick to it. I asked in order to make sure that the KeepRes trick won't force the game into the 800x600 mode... I guess the general guidelines given by Stuie just about sum it up... computers are weird animals... you never know what kind of surprise they have for you... good luck!

