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Stacking units

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  • #31

    "What would history have been like without Admiral yommamoto (japanese navy during ww2), or Alexander the Great, or Nepoleon, or, General Washington!?!?

    The effects of these leaders were very short, in civ terms. Most would only live for 4-5 turns. If leaders are units you can create, their effect would be beyond realism. Leave leaders for scenarios -- don't use them in the full game. (Yeah, I know we'll have them. But I don't like it, until I know how they function and what their purpose is.)


    • #32
      All right, maybe its time is past, but heres an idea for a commander/leader unit. What if instead of having a seperate unit as your leader you could pick a unit (say a cavalry) to lead your other units, much as a carrier would be head of a battle group. Then, as they gained in experience, your army would be better.
      And, in order to limit the size, say, you could only have so many commanders per so many units, say a 1 to 10 ratio (just threw out this number.

