I don't know if anyone has suggested this before, sorry if they have.
There is more than one level of war- from the little colonial wars to world wars. Similarly there are diffrent levels of peace.
Territorial conflict- Wars over little areas of territory, such as the Falklands. No trade penalties (trade goes via a different route). So long as the war doesn't spread the computer will only fight in the area attacked. Caused by an attack on a city of less than size 5 or an isolated fort. No unhappiness effects in republics or democracies.
Border war- war for aquisition of a certain bit of territory, like the war of 1812. Enemy will attack anywhere and all trade via land is stopped. Caused by an attack on a city equal or above size 5, 2 or more below 5, or a fortress near a city or a major war on an ally. Normal unhappiness effects.
Major war- war fought to damage a nation as well as take territory or to take large areas of territory, such as the Franco-Prussian war. Caused by an attack on a city of size 10 or above, or 3 or more cities of below that. It allows small air raids- no effects on industry or population, just reduces happiness. No trade.
Total war- war aimed at the total destrution of the enemy, as WW2. Obviously no trade, caused by an attack on a size 20 or higher city, or half your cities (if greater than 5). Allows nuclear attacks, and obliteration bombing- hits industry and population, but strengthens moral (blitz spirit). No unhappiness effect for troops away (propaganda).
Peacekeeping- intervention by 'good' nations. Only available to the owner of the UN and their allies. Half unhappiness effects, and must be coupled with sanctions. If units are lost there is an empire wide unhappiness effect.
You or the computer can raise war levels, to make the war more intense. You can only raise war to one level above that the rules would allow (so the Falklands can't turn into Britain nuking Argentina). Although you can escalate the conflict, you may not decrease the level. This system allows the computer to prioritise the wars it is fighting, and sort out its prodution accordingly. At the start of the game only border wars are possible, the rest being developed by technology.
Cold war- Trade almost stopped, nations will not cooperate, may try serious espionage.
Detente- Trade reduced, nations will cooperate, and serious espionage is limited. Exploration after 20 turns.
Ceasefire- As no contact. Exploration after 10 turns.
Recognition- Borders recognised, opens up other treaties. Exploration shared after 5 turns.
Cooperation- Trade bonus, can participate in joint research. Exploration shared after 2 turn lag.
Alliance- Can't attack one another, can travel through opponant's cities, help repair units. Ally respects borders when you arn't at war. If ally is declared war apon you must declare war on attacker. If ally is attacker, there is no obligation. Trade bonus. All exploration shared.
Coalition- As alliance, fellow members can station troops in your territory. If one is at war at border level or above, all are at war. All negotiations are carried out together. Research is carried out together and shared. Trade bonus. No diplomatic actions against one another. You can see inside all cities in the coalition.
You need to research to get Cold War, detente, or coalition.
Any comments below.
There is more than one level of war- from the little colonial wars to world wars. Similarly there are diffrent levels of peace.
Territorial conflict- Wars over little areas of territory, such as the Falklands. No trade penalties (trade goes via a different route). So long as the war doesn't spread the computer will only fight in the area attacked. Caused by an attack on a city of less than size 5 or an isolated fort. No unhappiness effects in republics or democracies.
Border war- war for aquisition of a certain bit of territory, like the war of 1812. Enemy will attack anywhere and all trade via land is stopped. Caused by an attack on a city equal or above size 5, 2 or more below 5, or a fortress near a city or a major war on an ally. Normal unhappiness effects.
Major war- war fought to damage a nation as well as take territory or to take large areas of territory, such as the Franco-Prussian war. Caused by an attack on a city of size 10 or above, or 3 or more cities of below that. It allows small air raids- no effects on industry or population, just reduces happiness. No trade.
Total war- war aimed at the total destrution of the enemy, as WW2. Obviously no trade, caused by an attack on a size 20 or higher city, or half your cities (if greater than 5). Allows nuclear attacks, and obliteration bombing- hits industry and population, but strengthens moral (blitz spirit). No unhappiness effect for troops away (propaganda).
Peacekeeping- intervention by 'good' nations. Only available to the owner of the UN and their allies. Half unhappiness effects, and must be coupled with sanctions. If units are lost there is an empire wide unhappiness effect.
You or the computer can raise war levels, to make the war more intense. You can only raise war to one level above that the rules would allow (so the Falklands can't turn into Britain nuking Argentina). Although you can escalate the conflict, you may not decrease the level. This system allows the computer to prioritise the wars it is fighting, and sort out its prodution accordingly. At the start of the game only border wars are possible, the rest being developed by technology.
Cold war- Trade almost stopped, nations will not cooperate, may try serious espionage.
Detente- Trade reduced, nations will cooperate, and serious espionage is limited. Exploration after 20 turns.
Ceasefire- As no contact. Exploration after 10 turns.
Recognition- Borders recognised, opens up other treaties. Exploration shared after 5 turns.
Cooperation- Trade bonus, can participate in joint research. Exploration shared after 2 turn lag.
Alliance- Can't attack one another, can travel through opponant's cities, help repair units. Ally respects borders when you arn't at war. If ally is declared war apon you must declare war on attacker. If ally is attacker, there is no obligation. Trade bonus. All exploration shared.
Coalition- As alliance, fellow members can station troops in your territory. If one is at war at border level or above, all are at war. All negotiations are carried out together. Research is carried out together and shared. Trade bonus. No diplomatic actions against one another. You can see inside all cities in the coalition.
You need to research to get Cold War, detente, or coalition.
Any comments below.