We seem to be getting more interest in here. I was getting worried no one had anything left to say. Its nice to see all the new faces in here, and its good to be getting new thoughts. And many of the old-timers seem to be more active too.
One thing though, there seems to be a lot of repeating of things already discussed ad nauseum, so maybe you newer guys should be responding to existing threads first. (Not that I am an ancient one myself...)
To all the settlers, declare yourselves, so we know how many new people there are.
(I probably shouldn't have started a topic just for this, but I thought it was worth mentioning.)
"...The highest realization of warfare is to attack the enemy's plans; next is to attack their alliances; next to attack their army; and the lowest is to attack their fortified cities." - Sun Tzu
Dom Pedro II.... aka Hannibal3
Dom Pedro II - 2nd and last Emperor of the Empire of Brazil (1831 - 1889).