I play huge worldmaps with as many civs as possible (256², 31 civs with PTW right now) - The moves are taking about 20 mins now (athon xp 1800+, 512mb cl2 timed ddr ram, winxp pro), but I understad why (hundreds of cities to be managed, thousands of units to be moved etc...), but when I found or conquer a city now, it's taking about 1-2 minutes from pressing "b" (or conquering ist) to get to the city screen - CPU load is on max when I do it and I don't understand what's so much to compute about it. Anyone with a clue?
Another thing I observed - when I trade certain technologies, it's the same as mentioned above - it just computes 1-2 minutes - funny thing is: It occurs with some advantages and with some it does not. One example: If I give magnetism or navigation, it takes long - if I give military tradition, it doesn't.
I could imagine the AI changing production in lots of cities and this causing the delay, but only if I trade it when it's their turn, which I never do (because they could trade it to some other civ before I could).
Similar things occur with some bombardments - most of the time, I bombard and it goes on normally, but sometimes it just takes quite some time...
So what's this all about
Another thing I observed - when I trade certain technologies, it's the same as mentioned above - it just computes 1-2 minutes - funny thing is: It occurs with some advantages and with some it does not. One example: If I give magnetism or navigation, it takes long - if I give military tradition, it doesn't.
I could imagine the AI changing production in lots of cities and this causing the delay, but only if I trade it when it's their turn, which I never do (because they could trade it to some other civ before I could).
Similar things occur with some bombardments - most of the time, I bombard and it goes on normally, but sometimes it just takes quite some time...
So what's this all about
