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The Map - Spherical Globe in 3D ... like Populous 3

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  • The Map - Spherical Globe in 3D ... like Populous 3

    This was mentioned in the other map thread... and it strikes me as a great idea... basically a 3D map... natural elevations in the lands, and a 3D map that you can zoom in and out and rotate around... has anyone played Populous 3? The globe in that is much smaller, but thats exactly the principle I'm talking about. I think its a GREAT idea. Can this be suggested to Firaxis in some way? Probably too late now though... but maybe they're doing it anyway?


  • #2
    Someone said in the other thread:


    The way I was thinking is a 3D-tiled map. So you can 'look around anywhere', but the movement stay a little basic. I think turn based games are not very open too free terain movement, don't you think?

    And this was what I figured. Sir Shiva also already mentioned the Populous 3 interface, but movement in that is totally free - in Civ3, the restriction mentioned above, ie tile-based, would no doubt be needed. I see that.



    • #3
      It would be great visually, but it would increase production time (obviously) and would make the game more graphic intense. Both mean longer delays and make scenario building difficult...

      Webmaster of Shadowstrike's Civilization II Site
      Emperor of The Gamer's Abode Forums
      *grumbles about work*


      • #4
        Very cool idea...

        For those computer folks out there...similiar to CA Unicenter? Start with a globe and zoom into the detail you desire...

        I wouldn't want to work that software development project...
        Haven't been here for ages....


        • #5

          It would be great visually, but it would increase production time (obviously)

          Don't worry, it's ganna be so late that this won't make much of a difference anyway!

          No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary...
          No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)


          • #6
            You know, they said a while back that they're working on a totally new graphics engine - maybe they thought of this already?!?

            Civilization IV, maybe.

            Man, I'm dead keen for Civ3 now!!!



            • #7
              I think your suggestions about a 3D globe-map are neiter realistic, nor any good.

              First of all: The game is scheduled to be released around 2002. It is predictable that Firaxis wants the game that is perfectly playable also on at least 3 year old systems, in order to give them a maximum number of potential byers.
              Also, they have to take into account that the average fan of turnbased strategy, isnt quite as up-to-date with hes hardware, as for example the more dedicated 3D action-gamers out there.

              Above means that the minimum requirements for the upcoming Civ-3 should land around 350Mhz Celeron and recommended around max 500+Mhz Pentium-3. Im still not talking about any graphic-accelerator. It will probably be supported - but NOT necessarily demanded.

              Now, i think most of us simply DEMANDS sharp 32-bit/1024x768 windows-grapics (in termes of sharpness and ability to read small letters, that is) in Civ-3. We wount settle for anything else!
              How the heck can above minimum requirements be meet, yet still on an smoothly turnable/zoomable 3D globe-map with above graphic-demands?

              (Edited: perhaps im little too pessimistic here. After all; its 18-20 months ahead of continuing PC hardware development. Much can happen. Anyway, the "support for 2-3 year old systems" is still important. Regardless of above, i still stick to below arguments).

              Besides, its a waste of processing-power better needed elsewere. What happens if the option "show enemy moves" is on in late end-games, and 15-20+ AI-units distributed all over the map moves around, one after the other? Fun to watch that erratically tumbling globe? For how long?

              Its a turnbased strategy-game. Its not 3D action-game - it isnt even a real-time strategy game. Its a strategical planning- and thinking mans game.

              Risk-2 had an 3D-globe map option - i played on it once, and then never again.

              [This message has been edited by Ralf (edited October 17, 2000).]


              • #8
                I would like a 3-D spherical map, but not for nifty graphics or elevations or anything at all like RTS. I want 3-D so that movement and geometry are realistic.

                If Russia and America wants to nuke each other, the nukes go over the North Pole (ignoring subs), NOT up to the North Pole, half-way around the world, and then back down south. Similarly, if you try to sail around Antarctica it's a much shorter trip than around the equator.

                So I say, if Populous 3 can do it, surely Civ 3 can be played on something approaching a sphere. Using tiles would be really tricky, though.
                " is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it." Commander Togge, SW:ANH


                • #9
                  Yes... It would be great... but if we're aiming for perfection here, ten let's shoot for a totally immersive virtual reality thingy which would actually take you through 6000 simulated years (of which you actually experience as the leader) in half an hour. But we can't have evrything. I'd settle for a flat map if it means a 3-D world would tag years onto the production time...
                  *grumbles about work*


                  • #10
                    I don't think processing power is an issue here. X-Com I had a 3d globe. We'd obviously want something much superior, but its still basically just one polygon. (a complex polygon, but still)

                    And as has been mentioned before, it improves the sensibilities of aerial and submarine movement, and allows more realistic scale to movement.

                    -Sir Rale Hawkeye
                    "I swear if we don't discover the light bulb soon, these all night planning sessions are going to get difficult"
                    "If Lincoln were alive today, he'd probably want to get out of his tomb"
                    "He siezed power in a bloodless coup -- all smotherings."


                    • #11
                      I would like spherical like in Global Domination and Populus 3, but not quite.

                      More like a donut shaped sphere with layers like in Rollercoaster tycoon for underground, aboveground, and sky; with options for turning them on or off.

                      So the whole map would be sideways inverted in 2d.
                      -->Visit CGN!
                      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                      • #12
                        Yes... well its a moot point really, because I think that they solidified these things a while ago, n'est-ce-pas?


                        • #13

                          great idea!
                          it will add some interest to the game.

                          Note : it MUST be a choice option, so ppl with slow computers wont suffer, because this is kinda "heavy" thing to run.

