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Civ3(PTW) dying off already? Or in for the long run?

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  • Civ3(PTW) dying off already? Or in for the long run?

    Is interest in Civ3 is waning now that all the "new stuff" has come and gone, reality has checked in, and turned out not to be such the super-sequel afterall? Or will it continue to rise and bring in more new players for MP, PBEM, Mods, scenarios and such?

    My personal view is that Civ3 will become one of those civ games that continues with mainly PBEM, the occaisional MP game and a few scenarios (not mods). You only have to look around the forums to see what each civ game takes on as its mainstay.

    Im not moaning about Civ3, as much as i enjoy those threads i do get tired of them too, I wonder how long do people around here think Civ3 will remain at the top of the popularity ladder, and what exactly will keep it there?
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  • #2
    Fixing internet MP would do a lot to boost PTWs popularity. I think that's the key.


    • #3
      I dont really see how it is 'dyeing' off. These forums seem as popular as ever, and i for one still love the game and i got it the 4th day after its release. I also got PtW the 3rd day of its release.

      I dont think Civ3 is exactly at the 'top of the popularity ladder' either lol. Was it ever? As everyone knows, turn-based games arent for everyone. Civ3 has a lot of life in it 1)because of the random nature of it 2)because of the scenario editor can keep breathing fresh air into it and 3) Firaxis is dedicated to releasing new stuff. They patch all the time, and really listen to what the fans need/want.

      Long live Civ3!


      • #4
        Civ3 is currently top in terms of popularity around here, and in all TBS games. The random nature of TBS games is in all the games around these forums and the scenario editor is quite friendly (but not powerful enough to create superb scenarios) and I think Firaxis are dedicated to releasing patches, until they feel the game is complete enough to be called a game. But all these things an immortal civ game do-not-make.

        Three things will be crucial for it as a long runner around here (apolyton)... improved stability and speed of multiplayer, scripted events for scenarios and alot of die hard fans (to do all the real work).
        Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
        CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
        One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


        • #5
          What would take Civ3's place at the head of Apolyton?


          • #6
            I hope it's RTS...
            "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
            -me, discussing my banking history.


            • #7
              When you said popularity, i thought you meant in all genres, of all games on the PC.

              I dont think anything will beat it in popularity here at Apolyton until maybe MOO3 comes out, or Civ4. Ther newer, more modern game will always beat it out here. Unless of course, its an utter peice of garbage.


              • #8
                Originally posted by punkbass2000
                I hope it's RTS...
                Aren't there enough crappy RTS games out as it is?


                • #9
                  There can never be enough crappy RTS games... as long as graphics keep improving.
                  Lime roots and treachery!
                  "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


                  • #10
                    Doesn't anyone around here ever check out other forums?

                    RoN will be out in about 6 months and it's looking very interesting.

                    Markos is playing a Beta now: 6 months before the game will be released! The guys who are working on this game are clearly not rushing it out.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Peter Triggs
                      Doesn't anyone around here ever check out other forums?

                      RoN will be out in about 6 months and it's looking very interesting.

                      Markos is playing a Beta now: 6 months before the game will be released! The guys who are working on this game are clearly not rushing it out.
                      6 months?

                      I will still be playing Civ3 for the next six months

                      I can't say that an rts has ever held my attention that long.

                      But who knows, maybe if ron is more than an AoE clone, I might pick up a copy -f I want to do a brainless activity for a few hours (which I occassionaly do now with SWGB and AoE)

                      I'm sure it will move units and will be somewhat popular. That said, I think the market of ACS skews towards TBS players.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by cyclotron7
                        There can never be enough crappy RTS games... as long as graphics keep improving.


                        • #13
                          I am not excited about any RTS games, even if they are good. I have had Warcraft3 for some time and have yet to get to it. That does not make it bad, I just find them all the same. Even the ones I really liked.


                          • #14
                            I'm very curious about RoN, but like some others, I've always preferred TBS to RTS. I agree, they seem to work out the same. Or maybe its just that I grew up on board games first, where you waited for everyone to take a turn. Even my earliest computer and arcade experiences weren't RTS, so it just seems normal to me...


                            • #15
                              Ok, I will have to backup yet again. I was looking at my CGW and was reminded of C&C generals. I will be given that a shot at some point as I have played all the C&C games.

