Okay, I know I'm not the first person to say this, but unit strengths are we out of whack with what they should be. Apparently though PTW isn't going to make this situation any better. Take for example the Gallic Swordsman, a 3/2/2 . Excuse me is that "2" for movement? Now I like the Swordsman unit, i like the Roman Legionary, and I like the Persian Immortal, they're all good, tough units that hold their value well into the middle ages. But giving that really nice swordsman unit an extra movement point? I think this is more than a little unbalancing. Extra movement makes a unit much, much tougher than what it would seem to be on the surface. Take the Iriqouis Mounted Warrior, a sweet unit at 3/1/2, poor defense, but great attack, and because it can retreat from combat it has real survivability. Now compared to other "second wave" early era special units (need that second wave of tech to build, Iron Working or Horseback Riding) the Iriqouis Mounted Warrior doesn't stand out as unbalanced. the Roman Legionairy is a 3/3/1, the immortal a 4/2/1. So the new second wave unit will be a 3/2/2, a good attacker, good defenser, and good movement. Basically Gallic Swordsman should be called "Knights Lite" because lets be honest that's what they are.
No announcement yet.
New Unit Gripe
Seems like you don't mention the last characteristics of the unit. Its cost. I am still waiting for my copy of PtW, but from what I've read and heard, the Gallic Swordsmen are balanced by being more costly to build. You have tougher units, but less of them.
Anyway, this follows the general approach to UUs - they generally get +1 to one of their A/D/M values...
extra costs-schmosts, with swordsmen, the best tactic is to stockpile warriors, or crank out warriors in a city that isn't connected to Iron. Then, when you get the ability to build swordsmen you simply upgrade. Save your pennies early on or cut your science to the bone to get that quick puch of swordsmen out.
As far as most UU's being a simple +1, this for the most part is true, but extra movement should count as +2, since a unit with extra movement is actually more cost effective. Consider this way, if your Legionairy loses out on an attack, he's dead and that's it your out 30 shields. If a unit with a move of 2 loses out most likely it will retreat, so in the long run a 3/2/2 unit, even if it costs 50 shields is a better investment than a 3/3/1 unit. Survivability aside sheer added striking power should make you nervous. Look how well you can do with the Iriqouis Mounted Warrior, and it only has a defense of 1. Usually where you lose most of your Mounted Warriors is when the enemy sorties out of a city with horsemen and catches those little mounted warriors flat footed. With a defense of 2 Gallic Swordsmen can defend pretty well against horsemen so they don't have the same worries. A sudden upgrade of warriors to Gallic Swordsmen could give you a swarm of 5 or 6 of these bad boys, enough to more than maul a neghboring empire (or two)
What I would like to see (like it will ever happen) is asome sort of mailed cavalry with the exact same stats as the Gallic Warrior. right now you go from Horseman 2/1/2 to Knight 4/3/2, with no in between. Somewhere around, say polytheism, but before the middle ages there should be a decent armoured horseman, even if it's only a 2/2/2.Good, Bad, I'm the one with the Gun- Army of Darkness
[SIZE=1] What I would like to see (like it will ever happen) is asome sort of mailed cavalry with the exact same stats as the Gallic Warrior. right now you go from Horseman 2/1/2 to Knight 4/3/2, with no in between. Somewhere around, say polytheism, but before the middle ages there should be a decent armoured horseman, even if it's only a 2/2/2.Civ fanatic since 1994
Originally posted by Ghengis-Sean
A sudden upgrade of warriors to Gallic Swordsmen could give you a swarm of 5 or 6 of these bad boys, enough to more than maul a neghboring empire (or two)
think about it. In the editor the upgrade to field for the warrior is "Swordsman". not "Gallic Swordsman". Not "Legionairy".
Is there a new feature in PtW allowing mulitiple upgrade possibilites?Do not be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed...
Hmmm are you playing the 1.29 patch? It fixed all of the upgrade problems, now for example you can go warrior-swordsmen (or Legionairy/Immortal), or Horseman--Knight/Chinese Rider--Cavalry/Cossack without any worries.
Yeah, the best way to build up a horde of Swordsman(and Knight too) is don't. Build up a horde of warriors or Horseman, save your money, cut science. and upgrade your meager band into a city stomping horde. Even better, once you get done maiming a neighbor, demand as much cash as you can from them and then repeat the processGood, Bad, I'm the one with the Gun- Army of Darkness
Slight problem - it's going to cost you 80 gold per upgrade to go from Warrior-Gallic Swordsman, compared to 40 for Warrior-Sword/Immortal/Legionary. Upgrading a measly 5 warriors will cost 400 gold. Unless you are playing regent or below, you won't even have enough gold to buid a decent army this way before Pikemen show up. Gallic Swordsmen are not the juggernauts they appear to be. That increased cost is a REAL limiting factor.Wadsworth: Professor Plum, you were once a professor of psychiatry specializing in helping paranoid and homicidal lunatics suffering from delusions of grandeur.
Professor Plum: Yes, but now I work for the United Nations.
Wadsworth: Well your work has not changed.
Originally posted by metalhead
Gallic Swordsmen are not the juggernauts they appear to be. That increased cost is a REAL limiting factor.
I agree with the Gallic Swordsman not being as unbalancing as you think, as ive played as the Celts a few times (and the Spanish the rest).
The cost of the GS is VERY high, and i find myself with about 3 or 4. They are very nice units, but cost so much when they are in war im afraid of sending them out because i don`t want them to die
If you want a type of horseback rider between Horseman and Knight, mod it yourself, make a unit graphic, or if you cant, find one around here or civfanatics.com, and put it in-game through the editor and adjust the stats to youre liking.