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Diplomacy question......

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  • Diplomacy question......

    I know you are not supposed to trade tech on the AI's turn. Cuz they'll go and trade it to the others. Better to wait till my turn, offer it, get what I can, and shop it around to the others the same turn. Get paid multiple times for the same tech. No problem.

    However, when a civ asks me for a MP or a MA or something, or to trade maps, and asks for a tech or something in return, and I blow him off (ie, say "NO"), does that hurt my rep? I usually do one of two things. A) I give a counter proposal, and just give him like 5 gold or something as a "gift." or B) just hit esc and return during my turn, and do A) or or shop around the stuff he's wanting.

    Does not giving it up when the AI asks the first time, hurt your rep? If I'm not interested, does just giving 5 gold as a gift actually help me, or am I just wasting time. I think I've seen times when the 5 gold gift has nudged their attitude toward me from like annoyed to cautious or something, though, I can't be sure. What's the deal on this?

  • #2
    It will not hurt your reputation. Being rude with hurt you relationship. Most of the time you will not care as they already are furious. I just make a counter offer and give then 1 gold as a gift. They never get upset about that.


    • #3
      Originally posted by vmxa1
      It will not hurt your reputation. Being rude with hurt you relationship. Most of the time you will not care as they already are furious. I just make a counter offer and give then 1 gold as a gift. They never get upset about that.
      Yeah, unfortunately they never appreciate it either. Giving small gifts doesn't seem to affect how AI civs react to you. Giving a 1 gold gift might not hurt you but it is just as meaningless as giving 0 gold.

      I once gave a gift of 100 gold to a civ that was furious with me and they responded with insults.


      • #4
        I remember in civ2 the game would give you the choice of what gift to give and it always seemed much higher then I was willing to give. Course this seems apropriate. Try giving your girlfriend/boyfriend/other a dollar bill for Christmas.


        • #5
          I'm a newb and I have a similar question. Is there a post, guide, tutorial on diplomacy with other CIVs? I've only had the game for a couple days and only played 2 or 3 games. There just doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to civ demand/requests. When CIV requests a luxury and demands another luxury in return plus 5 gold per turn in return, it just seems unreasonable to me and they aren't willing to negotiate. In fact, I've found trade and diplomacy to be relatively useless and frustrating.

          Maybe someone could point me in the proper direction?


          a.k.a. Shogun of Doom
          "Now comes the part where I relieve you, the little people, of the burden of your failed and useless lives. But remember, as my plastic surgeon always said: if you gotta go, go with a smile."


          • #6
            You are correct it is unreasonable and nearly unfathomable. Essentially it comes down to relative strengths. If you are percieved as weak, they will make greater demands. If you are behind in tech, they seem to feel you should be willing to pay more for a tech as you need it more.


            • #7
              Ahhh... I see.

              Well then, those A.I. Civs can go to hell. I'm just the man to send them there.


              er, I mean... eat my culture! Resistance is futile, bow beneath the mighty weight of my classical educations and magnificent Cathedrals!

              Oddly enough, the first game I played I had 3/4 of the culture on the histogram thingy. Against 6 Civs, by 14th century.
              "Now comes the part where I relieve you, the little people, of the burden of your failed and useless lives. But remember, as my plastic surgeon always said: if you gotta go, go with a smile."


              • #8
                Also, the AI players have some grasp of how valuable stuff they are offering you (speaking of its RELATIVE value). Example: they are a small 5-city civ with a luxury you lack. You are a gigantic empire with 30+ metropoli, 7 luxuries (lacking only the one you are being offered). Now, they will ask your leg and arm for that - don't be surprised to see something like 5-6 luxuries plus gold and maybe a tech as a bonus... it's because the luxuries you would give them are of a pretty low value to them (they bring not that many happy faces to their cities), while their single luxury is VERY valuable to you (adds like 4 happy faces to every metropolis of yours).

                Rule of thumb: do you not like what they offer? Reject it then. It will not harm your reputation. Accept only offers that make sense for you - there will be ones like that.


                • #9
                  Vondrack is right, when I play an OCC game I can buy luxuries for 20-50 gold each.
                  BTW I believe things are more expensive if their mood towards you is worse.


                  • #10
                    I am soooo relieved everyone (or most) understand a 1 for 1 luxury trade is not a fair deal. Back during 1.17 there were some nuts demanding Firaxis change the AI to always accept 1 for 1 trades.

