I'm in a Regent level game where I am struggling remain alive in the game. I am a republic where I can't afford ANY science reserach because I have the happiness slider set to 40% to keep my cities from going in to disorder. Some of my cities have capped at 12 pop because I haven't gotten the hospital researched yet (And aren't close at all!) and a lot of my cities are still struggling to get past 6 pop since I have really weak production and aqauducts take a ton of turns to build.
Corruption is killing me and I can't seem to get out of the last war I started. One of the AI I was fighting with had signed a Mutual Protection with a country I hadn't contacted yet myself and this AI player is FAR more advanced than I.
I'd be interested in hearing from other players out there who might want to take a look at my save game file and make some recomendations on changes I could make to salvage the current game or even perhaps offer some tips on what not to do next game.
I'm pretty sure the better players have a decent to good chance to salvage the game but I don't know how and would appeciate some advice. BTW, I have a broad range of save files from this game so if anyone is interested in an earlier point, let me know.
Corruption is killing me and I can't seem to get out of the last war I started. One of the AI I was fighting with had signed a Mutual Protection with a country I hadn't contacted yet myself and this AI player is FAR more advanced than I.
I'd be interested in hearing from other players out there who might want to take a look at my save game file and make some recomendations on changes I could make to salvage the current game or even perhaps offer some tips on what not to do next game.
I'm pretty sure the better players have a decent to good chance to salvage the game but I don't know how and would appeciate some advice. BTW, I have a broad range of save files from this game so if anyone is interested in an earlier point, let me know.