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City Manager Bug????

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Redstar
    yup as i say, i did it several times...the prefs.
    It seems this only happens when all buildings are built and all unit types are set to never along with workers never.

    so that leaves only wealth --set at sometimes.
    So maybe its just tilting at the extreme end of the scale.
    Hm, such preferences seem to be something the designers did not think of at all. If you set Wealth to "sometimes", but everything else to "never", than it actually is like setting Wealth to "always"... and that can be done by setting Production to not managed and choosing Wealth on the City screen, IIRC... that might be why it was not addressed...

    Does this happen only when every currently possible building has already been built or when every building has already been built (i.e. very late game only)?


    • #17
      i am not sure..i lean towards late game...because i have only recently noticed workers popping up.

      the more workers i got rid of...the more cities started making them. This makes no sense x2 grr.

      But so far, all cities (making workers) i have checked...have all the buildings (well except for the solar/nuclear plants).

      Every time i change 1 city to make an ICBM (just to keep it busy and not make another worker), another fully developed city starts to make a worker.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Redstar
        i think you are confusing me with the 1st poster.

        In my game, im in the year 2081 and have only a few squares left to develop of my land.

        I'm playing on the biggest map before the limit was reduced...300 cities should indicate i am no where near the start of a game.

        i have (had) 300 workers cause i needed tons. about 50% of those workers were captured from the enemy.

        I also resent being told i am a newbie and know nothing..blah blah. He goes out of his way to insult the both of us and makes some grevious assumptions.

        Now, why am i still playing in the year 2081? simple..i am allowing the enemy civs to build up so i can have a nice huge modern war. I had one earlier --but it was no contest as the enemy AI concentrated units in the hundreds and so a few nukes wiped them out.

        But anywaz...this is all moot as the original question/observation has nothing to do with playing style. It has everything to do with the potentially "buggy" city governors producing workers when they were told NEVER to do this.

        It also has to do with producing nuke plants while having hydro plants.

        There is no excuse for being rude --'cept when flame retaliating.
        Sorry if I offended you and you are free to ignore anything I have said. I would only point out that you said you were producing 5 wokers a turn and had 300 already. What I said was valid and if it does not apply to you great. I can not image that all those workers can be used as the whole map should be RR by now. I agree there is no need to be rude. I try not to be and will apologize if I have been. The points are for anybody, those that already understand them will just pass on by.


        • #19
          I did not mean to offend anyone directly either. I just tend not to pull any punches when something is obviously wrong and in your power to fix.

          Expecting to earn brownie points when you have 300 cities in a Chieftain of Warlord game that you are artificially playing out to 2081 when you "still have a few squares left to develop" just reinforces my initial assessment that you really don't know what you are doing yet.

          No insult intended, just a clean assessment.

          A nominally competent player can easily have 300 cities in the early 1500's if that's all you measure success by.

          A player with some focus and experience will know that the peak worker count should come somewhere between Steam Power and Replaceable parts and then should rapidly head toward zero. If you have a reasonable count of captured slaves (8 per every 8 to 10 to 20 cities) then your actual worker count should be at zero well before you enter the modern era.

          The governors are well documented to be a bit flaky in many situations but when you combine them with repeated pilot errors you have a recipe for disaster as in both the games described in this thread.


          You are bit hypersensitive here and have distracted things from the point. Your artificial game in 2081 AD has almost nothing to do with lorddread's game in the 500 BCs. Lorddread has a thousand things he needs to be doing other than building wealth and I outlined just a few of them.

          The cities in these games are not building workers and other bogus stuff instead of wealth. The problem is that both the pilots are asleep at the wheel and leaving the cities set to build these other items when there are tools that will fix the problem AND the greater problem of blindly building wealth should be avoided.

          Your game could be chalked up to scientific research. If you strapped a chimpanzee into a chair in front of civ3 and let him push buttons after 2050AD and after the whole tech tree has been researched, how long will the chimp keep pushing the buttons when he finds out there are no new bananas?

          If the Chimp stops playing before you do then the research project has produced a publishable result.

          Read the strategy articles and don't anger your best chances at rising above the sacrificial masses.


          • #20
            listen've got some nerve to say the least. You compound your rudeness and ignorant posting with more of the same.

            I am not in the chieften level so yet another strike against.

            I was not bragging abvout having 300 cities...but merely having to stress that several times (edit
            to underline this is not an empire just starting up.
            It should also give a clue that large numbers of workers were required. 60 are still on tap to take care of pollution and terraforming future nuked areas and conquered land. If you want to micromanage 300 cities, well thats just lovely

            You missed the original intent of this thread and so far have failed to acknowlege yourself passing judgements based on invalid assumptions.

            I would suggest that you put aside your own obviously inflated ego, so you can see a thread for what it is.

            so now i am deadly serious when i say take a hike because you are obviously unchanged in your rhetoric and belittling attitude.

            I will ignore you in future as you have proven to me you are not worth listening to.

            I will not just sit idly by and be insulted for no good reason.

            edit: Don't want a caustic response? then try the art of civility.
            Last edited by Redstar; November 4, 2002, 19:26.


            • #21
              city manager bug???

              Originally posted by cracker
              Lorddread has a thousand things he needs to be doing other than building wealth and I outlined just a few of them.

              The cities in these games are not building workers and other bogus stuff instead of wealth. The problem is that both the pilots are asleep at the wheel and leaving the cities set to build these other items when there are tools that will fix the problem AND the greater problem of blindly building wealth should be avoided.
              Let's try this again!

              Actually, Cracker, I am quite awake. I do not usually build a huge army until later on in the game. I am building wealth because I have a large outlay going towards research, and I have built almost all of the buildings that I want for now.

              It is not that I have no clue as to what I am doing, it is a difference in playing style. A closer look at the game would reveal that I am playing on chieftan, a easy level. There are only 4 other civ's and I have no close neighbors. Therefore I don't need a larger army. I can concetrate on building up my knowledge which is what I was trying to do.

              So back to my original question. Why do cities set on building wealth build spearmen and archers????


              • #22
                Redstar, you merely have to add people like cracker to your ignore list (something I just did after reading this thread) and you will have a much more enjoyable Apolyton browsing experience. Trying to find some gems worth reading amongst such an obvious superiority complex is rarely worth the effort.
                Fitz. (n.) Old English
                1. Child born out of wedlock.
                2. Bastard.


                • #23
                  lol, he starts off his reply with "I did not mean to offend anyone directly either" and then proceeds to insult him even more...


                  • #24
                    Guys, Cracker may sometimes come off a bit harsh, but he truly is a master.

                    I like seeing people experiment...

                    OT: I just don;t believe the governors work as advertised. I know that Firaxis has some kind of auto-game working for testing purposes... I'd love to play with it. I'd just chalk this up to the limitations of the game.
                    The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                    Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by lorddread
                      So back to my original question. Why do cities set on building wealth build spearmen and archers????
                      lorddread, I did answer your original question:

                      Originally posted by vondrack
                      As for wealth, the solution to your problem is to contact your governor and specifically instruct him to produce wealth and wealth only (which you didn't do). On the City Governor screen, click the "Production" label (right next to the "General" tab) and... well, you'll immediately see what's wrong.
                      This is what you have there in your game:
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Redstar
                        I have units set to never and workers set to never for all cities (done several times since it sometimes takes a few tries to disable the music so i thought might be same problem)

                        Anywaz, about 5 workers are produced every turn now. (EDIT: now down to 50 now i'm getting 12 workers per turn {rotating cities as i change production away from worker})
                        If you set your city governor to build wealth, the city will build the following:

                        Improvements like marketplace and bank
                        And... workers (sigh)

                        This is no bug though. It's a designed feature I'm afraid.
                        Thats what Firaxis has explained.

                        Personally I find that annoying, because I have never had need for that worker produced in a city that shouldn't waste population and production on a worker, when I have my entire continent fully worked (and still have around 50 workers in stock). The citygovernor has a setting for building workers, so I would expect, that when thats set on Never for all cities, I shouldn't see a single worker constructed anywhere.

                        I have (like others) seen a tendency towards a certain number of workers per city so to speak. Having, say, 100 workers, then joining 25 to cities results in some governors around the empire to switch from building wealth to building workers.

                        That said: In this case the production of military units are, as Vondrack explained, caused by the settings for the Governor. But setting your cities on automation with wealth included will always yield a useless worker now and then. The only cure from our side is to fire the citygovernor .

                        Edit: Typo
                        Last edited by Firebird; November 5, 2002, 04:33.


                        • #27
                          Now you are talking, never use the automated gov.


                          • #28
                            thanks firebird!

                            if wealth builds workers, then why have a worker option? Or at least the worker toggle should overide the other.

                            But ok, so that explains that also.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Redstar
                              thanks firebird!

                              if wealth builds workers, then why have a worker option? Or at least the worker toggle should overide the other.

                              But ok, so that explains that also.
                              You'r welcome.
                              I could live with the worker toggle overriding the wealth toogle.

                              I don't want to rant or anything, but I have a very hard time seeing the logic in the way Firaxis did this, but perhaps it has to do with the way the AI works. If thats the reason I don't believe we will see it changed. It would be nice though. This one thing actually keeps me from using the governors!


                              • #30
                                Who says they had a reason?

