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What is it like to play a game with accelerated production on?

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  • What is it like to play a game with accelerated production on?

    I have never played a game with accelerated production. How does this type of game compare with a normal game?

    Is play even, or is the AI favored, or human favored?

    Does human fall further behind in tech race?

    Would you advise to play with or without this option?

    -- PF

  • #2
    play with it a few times.

    moves very, very fast double production, food, etc. fast

    I think it favors the human, as we can make better decisions than the ai.

    play on a tiny, acc prod map for some fun.


    • #3
      I've never played it so I can't say for sure but it seems like it would benifit people who like to build culture more to me, though again, I've never played it but my understanding of it would make me think that.


      • #4
        I've played with accelerated production on a few times and don't really like it. It's okay if you want to play a larger map and don't care to devote a month to a game.

        I tend to agree with the comments that it shifts the balance a little toward the human player, but I think a militarist would benefit as much as a builder. You sure can crank out swordsmen, artillery and MA fast.
        "Illegitimi non carborundum"


        • #5
          but do they move as fast accross the map or at the same speed, if it's just production I would think not which is why I said that's the impression I get as it would take longer to move troops then to build them, keep them in a city then build wonders or cultural buildings.


          • #6
            I usually play Monarch on large archipelago maps (average water). In the several games using AP that I've tried, the AI usually completed the tech tree before 1000 A.D. if the Space Race was turned off. When Space Race was on, the game ended in a launch (mine).

            Generally in games with an industrious civ, I found the pace too fast. But when I played nonindustrious civs, it was acceptable.


            • #7
              Wow, whole tree before 1000ad. Thanks for the feedback.

              -- PF


              • #8
                I've played accellerated a couple of times and basically, it just makes the game faster with more millitary (for the player mostly). You'll still get the 4 turns/tech, but you'll have nothing left to build so you'll either end up with lots of cash (I like to build wealth though it's not cost effective) or tons of millitary or both. I've found that it doesn't really shorten the time you play on one game since the time you gain with the shorter production, you loose with having more troops to move around.

