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Strakorfsky's Though on City Expansion

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  • Strakorfsky's Though on City Expansion

    Hello world. As always, thank you for visiting my site, I hope you and I both gain a little knowledge out of this humble thread of mine.

    In the development of your cities, considering three factors are the most important. (1): how much will this city grow? (2): what corruption will be experianced? (3): what resources will I have accesse to in this city? These factors I will discusse most brefily, trying to lay an idea that you might want to test for yourself if you have not did soalready.

    make your first city on a river if possible, abilty to grow to pop 12 is crucial to science and production of city. you will need either 3-4 cities beign built all around your capital to minimize corruption and make most efficiant use of the land. of course this may change due to variables about start. try and make first city in a place where forest with game,grass with cattle and wheat, or plains with cattle wheat. early luxuries are not very important yet, but these "growing" resources make your cities grow and produce much faster then having immediat accesse to luxury.

    now, you have first city going, now to scout and workers.... considering making a worker after the first warrior, two workers making roads if 2x faster then one worker making roads to expansion. this equals out to more turns saved in expanding. scouting right now is VERY important. you must find places where potential future resources may be, like horse and iron. you should be making roads for expansion and scouting new areas.

    now, start making settlers, here is order in most cases.
    city #1=warrior, worker, warrior, settler...
    city #2=warrior, settler, settler, worker...
    city #3=warrior....
    city #4=warrior....
    that will comprise your "core" cities. these are the cities from which you will make units, and get most of production from. also, thje second cities must have viable food and production, game with forest works well for early one, the 2 prod. and 2 food give best of both worlds

    after your core cities are ready, you need to either do a military rush, OR, start expanding for resources.

    if you choose expansion, choose land which ahs most potential for giving resources like iron and horses. for example, establishing a town on a hilly region ahs a higher likely-hood of making one bya few hills, though the city will be slow to grow, you cvan make a road from it to capital and start makign swordsman, even though that city will suffer from no growth. Also, deserts are good if you need salt peter, hillsalso provide this. also, expanding into areas that offer a potential for resources is better in long run for your civilization, grabbing them befor the ai is key to winning

    expanding to the immediat areas around your cities is probably not the best of choices, though quicker getting there, they might not be as good as going further towards ai, to block them.

    even a backwards civilization controling all the goods is more likely to win over a advanced civilization with no or few goods that can easily be taken. establishing yourself early in the game by taking recourses early may eb the best way to win

    well, please send your info in on this, thanks!
    "I like to consider myself a virus, I spread and consume natural resources, then I leave my former home baren and cold, what am I? Why, I am YOU !"-Mr. Waffleberry

  • #2
    I am not sure that I need the worker so soon, are we talking about industious or non?


    • #3
      it can work on both, but it is better for non
      "I like to consider myself a virus, I spread and consume natural resources, then I leave my former home baren and cold, what am I? Why, I am YOU !"-Mr. Waffleberry


      • #4
        the stratagy worksd quite well if you intend tyo dominate in the middle ages, it can leave you kinda weak in ancient, but that can be solved by simply beefing up on alliance and such
        "I like to consider myself a virus, I spread and consume natural resources, then I leave my former home baren and cold, what am I? Why, I am YOU !"-Mr. Waffleberry

