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Idea (for Civ3 XP2): how to make the Modern Era EXCITING

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  • #16
    Sidenote: being a player that loves to play Civ as an epic story, I would greatly appreciate the context for Modern Era military conflicts. What I mean is that if one civ gets notably larger than any other one, it's because it has waged successful wars throughout centuries => must be a very warlike nation => is a natural DeathStar builder => is a natural common enemy for the rest of the world. Makes perfect sense and brings the ultimate (military) challenge some players ask for (since that really BIG nation is usually a warmongering human eager to take on the whole world...).

    bbaws, I quite liked some parts of your moon idea... the cooperative diplomacy already made it into my previous post (even though it's probably not a very new concept; I understand that it was included in SMAC, wasn't it?). The threshold idea is also interesting... OTOH, many concepts of your moonbase subgame do not really fit my DS (now DS-UN, actually ) idea, so I won't comment in detail here. But thanks for your input!


    • #17
      Readed it, liked it ^^
      Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


      • #18
        Great stuff, guys! I don't have much to add right now, have to ponder... Two immediate thoughts tho... Has nobody considered that it should be possible for EVERY civ to lose? i. e., the oft spoken of "pollution meter": either from environmental degradation or nuclear winter. How's that for an endgame..... drum roll.... "Due to the destruction of the eco-zone, the human race has become extint!" ...New Game? Of course, NO score is granted. Aside from that, I miss the flight of the SS from Civ2. Gave you something to sit on the edge of your seat for.

