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Where do you set Barbarians?

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  • #16
    i like sedentary too over roaming but i think roaming gives u more goody huts than sedentary so i try to stay at roaming.


    • #17
      Don't be a fraid of barbarians because they are actually one of your greatest assetts in the game.

      With the barb level set to raging you will get more barb villages and more barb warriors to attack and kill. If you are playing on lower difficulties (Monarch or below) you get an automatic attack bonus against all babrbarians so it is next to impossible to loose a battle if you understand the terrain bonuses.

      More barbs equal more opportunities for training combat to promote your early units to veteran and elite. Any two victories in the same turn guranatees you a promotion. More elite units early equal more great leaders and virtually guarantee a win.

      More barbs equal more barb camps and earn you 25 to 50 gold per camp destroyed. Once you learn the basics of the game you can farm barbs and harvest an extra 50 to 75 gold units per turn and rulle the world with your economic power.

      Barbs also distract the AI military units from other tasks and can help you set the real enemies up for an easy kill.

      You may think you are helping yourself with a low barb intensity setting but in reality you just slow down your game and take away one of the best advantages you have to position yourself to smack the AI enemies and speed progress through the tech tree and the wonders.


      • #18
        i agree with cracker, but on diety, its kinda hard dealing with barbs. its a pain in the ass trying to take out a barb encampment on a mountain!


        • #19
          If I play expansionist civ, I always set raging because rewards from goody huts are better. If I want to play builder/pacifist I turn them off. I kind of like extreme points.

          On raging barbarian are not much of the problem if you have a spearman or to per city. Just let them plunder this rotten outskirt. Make sure there is nothing in the bank.


          • #20
            Ok, you guys convinced me. Next time, Barbs = random or raging.

            -- PF


            • #21
              The one caveat to setting the barbs high is that you have to understand uprisings.

              These uprising are triggered by a total idiot programming decision that relates to the 2nd civ on the map entering a new age. (sorry Soren for not pulling punches, but from a gameplay standpoint this programming choice falls in the skinner box category of hidden torment intead of creative challenge).

              All the barb camps in the whole world go psycho all on the same turn.

              The size of the uprisings is set by the barb intensity level with 8 horsemen per intensity step (8 for roaming, 16 for restless, and 24 for raging).

              In general, do not even think about defending against an uprising and learn to:
              [list=1][*]Lead them to your enemies cities[*]Give away or spend all your gold in your treasury before they attack[*]move your military out of the frontier city and just give the city away to your worst enemy. Then the barbs will kill his military unit and sack his treasury and you can just walk back in an take the city back.[/list=1]

              The largest number of barb horsemen I have every had to deal with in one turn is 240, and you can easily handle this once you know how the game is played.
              Last edited by cracker; November 1, 2002, 15:09.


              • #22
                Oh, and Planetfall,

                Don't do random untill you cycle through a lot of the higher settings. Rnadom includes the low settings as well and you really do not want games with the barbs off.

                If you can't make up your mind, just flip a coin. and then set the setting manually.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by cracker
                  The one caveat to setting the barbs high is that you have to understand uprisings.

                  These uprising are triggered by a total idiot programming decision that relates to the 2nd civ on the map entering a new age. (sorry Soren for not pulling punches, but from a gameplay standpoint this programming choice falls in the skinner box category of hidden torment intead of creative challenge).

                  All the barb camps in the whole world go psycho all on the same turn.

                  The size of the uprisings is set by the barb intensity level with 8 horsemen per intensity step (8 for roaming, 16 for restless, and 24 for raging).
                  I haven't seen an uprising since getting the 1.29 patch, but under 1.17, this was not true. I occasionally had uprisings at different times in the game, especially when startning with a lot of jungle to one side of my civ, since I did not expand quickly in that direction.

                  I recall reading that an uprising happens if the camp is not destoyed after a certain number of turns.

                  In general, do not even think about defending against an uprising and learn to:
                  [list=1][*]Lead them to your enemies cities[*]Give away or spend all your gold in your treasury before they attack[*]move your military out of the frontier city and just give the city away to your worst enemy. Then the barbs will kill his military unit and sack his treasury and you can just walk back in an take the city back.[/list=1]

                  The largest number of barb horsemen I have every had to deal with in one turn is 240, and you can easily handle this once you know how the game is played.
                  If you can manage it, four or five spearman behind a wall seem to usually suffice. Even two will take out over half the attackers.


                  • #24
                    Sorry One_Brow, but cracker is right. It was told by Soren a couple months ago.
                    "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
                    -me, discussing my banking history.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by One_Brow

                      I haven't seen an uprising since getting the 1.29 patch, but under 1.17, this was not true. I occasionally had uprisings at different times in the game, especially when startning with a lot of jungle to one side of my civ, since I did not expand quickly in that direction.

                      I recall reading that an uprising happens if the camp is not destoyed after a certain number of turns.
                      You can encounter 3 different uprisings during a game -- the 3 turns during which a second civ enters into the Middle, Industrial, and Modern Ages, respectively. But often the map is fully explored and/or settled by entry into the Industrial Age, so most players only experience one barbarian uprising in any given game. Also, if your territory doesn;t border "fog-of-war" (the only place where barbarian camps spawn) the world may experience an uprising but you won't hear hide nor hair of it.

                      The information that an uprising occurs only on the "2nd civ to advance to a new age" trigger (and not on any other good guesses at what causes an uprising - like a camp allowed to live for XX turns) comes from Soren Johnson, the Civ III AI programmer, in a thread here at Apolyton.



                      • #26
                        using units to prevent any fog of war near you is the easiest way to prevent uprisings. No camps, no uprising.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by punkbass2000
                          Sorry One_Brow, but cracker is right. It was told by Soren a couple months ago.
                          Soren is certainly the authority.

                          Still, it seems odd that in the same thred he mentioned this ("Best of the Best"), another poster appaently saw what I did on the 1.17 patch: multiple uprisings. There were under 20 turns apart for me, a little too close for separate ages.

                          I wonder if you receive a message only after the barbarians "home in" on one of your cities, so that they are generatede at the same time but you getmessages at different times.


                          • #28
                            I'm still pissed off about the thread-jacking.

                            Seriously, I haven;t had to deal with uprisings in a loooong time. Knowing how they work, I'm tempted to allow one in order to experiment with some of the stronger early UUs in PTW.
                            The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                            Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.

