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AI nuke eachother to death.

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  • AI nuke eachother to death.

    Has N E 1 seen this before? It just happened to me. I was at war with the huge aztec continent, and I used one nuke to clear a beachhead and take a city (I thought one can't do too much harm, and there's lots of water). At this moment America are my allies and also at war with aztecs but haven't done anything in years.

    What happens is that the aztecs nuke one of my cities (which I expected seeing as I knew they had only one nuke, and one I can handle even if it gets thru my SDI which it did).

    So I go on with my invasion and cleaning up the mess. After a few turns I start to notice that there's an awful lot of pollution on the aztec continent suddenly (i stole their world map before I nuked). I start getting worried that nuclear reactors blew up, but the damadge is too extencive even for that. So I steal their world map again and see that 8 of their big cities have been nuked! I chekc my allies military and they have only 1 of the 9 nukes they had left! and I KNOW the americans were not nuked themselves. So basically they started armegeddon to "help" me! IDIOTS! Now that entireaztec continent which I wanted is a mess!

    This I have never seen before. All nuke wars are usually instigated by me or at me, but I've never seen an attack from AI to AI.

  • #2
    Re: AI nuke eachother to death.

    Originally posted by aahz_capone
    This I have never seen before. All nuke wars are usually instigated by me or at me, but I've never seen an attack from AI to AI.
    I think you _did_ instigate this one... all your allies saw you do it and thought it was ok! I think the game treats nukes like a genie... once it's out of the bottle, everybody feels okay about using them. Glad that hasn't happened yet IRL ...



    • #3
      Yeah I think thats the way it goes. I've never used nukes and neither has the AI. I hated the race to get satellite defenses in SMAC cos you knew the AI would spew planetbusters all around.
      We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
      If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
      Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


      • #4
        Re: Re: AI nuke eachother to death.

        Originally posted by Apolex

        I think you _did_ instigate this one... all your allies saw you do it and thought it was ok! I think the game treats nukes like a genie... once it's out of the bottle, everybody feels okay about using them. Glad that hasn't happened yet IRL ...

        Yeah, unfortunately that's what happens. I've actually never started a nuke-fest. The last game I played, Rome decided to go nuke crazy. Once they did, everyone started nuking each other.

        The AI is WAY WAY WAY too liberal with nukes. By end-game nearly the entire planet was desert.


        • #5
          Hopefully PTW will slow that down as MP will now be a SW.


          • #6
            I think the AI SHOULD launch nukes themselves in very rare case (like having a few cities left which would simulate dictators going nuts or after having warned you that should you make a move toward X city they will use nuclear force). Saying your words are backed with nukes and never using them is max security for the human player. We would never worry unless we start it.

            HOWEVER, I do think that the AI is nuke crazy and that should be toned down: if it's not one they do a million. The whole point of having a difference between tac nukes and strategic nukes (in the real world) is so that you can use just a few low yield nukes against stacks of doom, and such. The AI would never think of this strategy. However I have no fear of using one or 2 nukes at key points if I can clean it up ASAP.


            • #7
              Your allies were responding to you getting nuked

