Hey everyone,
Bieng a history major, I had an idea in class. I was studying WWI and all the statistics associated with it and began to wonder what they would be for my Civ wars.
I don't know about any of you , but I would like to see a casualty list after I declare peace with a particular Civ, maybe including the units lost by both sides during that particular conflict. Not only that, but I think a shield loss comparison would be interesting, where the total shield cost for all the units of both sides are compared (this means that if I am fighting a Tech backwards Civ with cheap units then a better comparison can be made). This would let you see who won economically in a sense.
Why stop there, why not give each unit a number equivalent to the soldiers that would be contained therein (maybe a spearmen unit represents a thousand soldiers, a tank two thousand, a fighter three hundred), so that you can see an abstact number for soldiers lost. A civilian casualty stat would also be useful, counting the population lost to bombing, artillery, and city conquest (of course this would have to be modified for tha ages, a pop point in a medieval city would be 10,000 casualties, while in the modern age would be 1,000,000 maybe). I think that would be fun. I also think that when two civs declare peace it should be sent to all the players.
What do you think?
Bieng a history major, I had an idea in class. I was studying WWI and all the statistics associated with it and began to wonder what they would be for my Civ wars.
I don't know about any of you , but I would like to see a casualty list after I declare peace with a particular Civ, maybe including the units lost by both sides during that particular conflict. Not only that, but I think a shield loss comparison would be interesting, where the total shield cost for all the units of both sides are compared (this means that if I am fighting a Tech backwards Civ with cheap units then a better comparison can be made). This would let you see who won economically in a sense.
Why stop there, why not give each unit a number equivalent to the soldiers that would be contained therein (maybe a spearmen unit represents a thousand soldiers, a tank two thousand, a fighter three hundred), so that you can see an abstact number for soldiers lost. A civilian casualty stat would also be useful, counting the population lost to bombing, artillery, and city conquest (of course this would have to be modified for tha ages, a pop point in a medieval city would be 10,000 casualties, while in the modern age would be 1,000,000 maybe). I think that would be fun. I also think that when two civs declare peace it should be sent to all the players.
What do you think?