Lemme give you some background.
It's past Space Race victory, I'm Persia, I decide just for fun to wipe Egypt off the face of the Earth, they'd been arrogant anyway. I declare war. We both haev so much money and MPPs that we're able to get about 8 more civs into the war. It's turned into WWI for my game. We start sending modern armor all over the place, and our treasuries become dedicated into buying more civs into the war agaisnt the others. Soon Greece is conquering Russia, Babylon's fighting India, I'm fighting India and Egypt, and surprisingly Germany's all quite peaceful. I buy the French a half-world away into war with India.
Two turns later I see a stack of FORTY-THREE French Mech Infantry in India. This says two things:
1) They've been quietly preparing for war for a while;
2) They liked me enough to get all the RoPs together to get to India;
3) 43 MI? Man, that's insane for two turns. What did they do, abandon their city defenses?
If anyone else has some stories of truly marvelous dedication from the AI to your cause, please tell me.
(Note: This was from a Cheiftan game I played a [Edit: LONG] while back.)
It's past Space Race victory, I'm Persia, I decide just for fun to wipe Egypt off the face of the Earth, they'd been arrogant anyway. I declare war. We both haev so much money and MPPs that we're able to get about 8 more civs into the war. It's turned into WWI for my game. We start sending modern armor all over the place, and our treasuries become dedicated into buying more civs into the war agaisnt the others. Soon Greece is conquering Russia, Babylon's fighting India, I'm fighting India and Egypt, and surprisingly Germany's all quite peaceful. I buy the French a half-world away into war with India.
Two turns later I see a stack of FORTY-THREE French Mech Infantry in India. This says two things:
1) They've been quietly preparing for war for a while;
2) They liked me enough to get all the RoPs together to get to India;
3) 43 MI? Man, that's insane for two turns. What did they do, abandon their city defenses?
If anyone else has some stories of truly marvelous dedication from the AI to your cause, please tell me.
(Note: This was from a Cheiftan game I played a [Edit: LONG] while back.)