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Can I trust them?

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  • Can I trust them?

    If you sell a tech to the AI for a high sum of GPT, can you expect him to keep peace and pay you your money the next 20 turns?

    In my current game(as the germans) I'm the first to discover replaceable parts. I want to give this tech to an ally(japan) which is hard pressed and in war with everyone. I also offered this tech to my neighbour the french who offered me all their gold(140) an 112 GPT. I'm #1 in power with the french following me closely. I can't remember the french breaking a treaty with me yet and I haven't broken treaties myself either.

    Can I trust the french to keep peace and pay, are there things I can do to keep them from breaking this (expensive)treaty?
    Don't eat the yellow snow.

  • #2
    There are no guarantees that they will keep the treaty. I rarely have the French break treaties in my games, but it has happened. Are you selling them anything else currently, or have you sold them anything else, like luxuries or strategic resources? This is one of the few ways that helps keep them from breaking a treaty, but even then, it's doesn't always work. A lot will depend on their cash flow.

    If you sell the tech to one civ, you may as well sell it to all civs, because if you don't, then they will. Never sell a tech during the AI's turn unless you want them to immediately sell it to everyone else.


    • #3
      I'm currently giving them some GPT(20 to 50, I'm not sure) as payment for a tech I bought. No other trades. I'm also at war with the rest of the world (they even refuse to meet my envoy) so I can't sell them anything.

      The french are annoyed or furios with me. I have one or two of their workers, will they like me more if I add them to one of my cities?
      Don't eat the yellow snow.


      • #4
        Originally posted by kring
        If you sell the tech to one civ, you may as well sell it to all civs, because if you don't, then they will. Never sell a tech during the AI's turn unless you want them to immediately sell it to everyone else.
        Yes; this is very important.

        As kring explained it there are no guarantees that the AI will keep the treaty. It has already work for me, selling Ecology to the Babylonians for 500 gpt, but some civs are more treacherous than others. I will more likely trust the French or the Indians than Japan or Persia.
        "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


        • #5
          Trust the AI? Hah! That doesn't mean you shouldn't make the deal, but never - ever - trust the AI.

          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


          • #6
            Let's put it this way:
            If Joan can't keep up her payments with you, the ONLY way she (or any AI) can prematurely terminate the agreement is to declare war.


            • #7
              Just to chime in, if you are #1 and a republic or democracy, very often the best thing that can happen is for #2 to declare war on you. You will experience less WW and drive them back to Communism, frequently with very beneficial results for your tech lead. If that scenario appears to be relevant, then the trade starts to look better.
              Illegitimi Non Carborundum


              • #8
                give the other civs the tech to build infantry? heh, take advantage of the chance you've been given. Conquer with the knowledge that your cities are safe with unbeatable infantry.


                • #9
                  I am not concerned about the trust, so much, I just do not want to let them have replacement parts, unless they are working on it already. I would not give it to Japan, unless I already traded it to others, I do not want them to be trading my tech and letting, my potential enemies have it.


                  • #10
                    Trust the AI to try and win. If it ever gets the idea that attacking you will further this goal in it's tiny silicon mind it will.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bongo
                      The french are annoyed or furios with me. I have one or two of their workers, will they like me more if I add them to one of my cities?
                      They should, since the AI doesn't like it when you have workers of their nationality, or so I've heard. Presumably they would look even more favorably on you if you gave the workers back to them.
                      "God is dead." - Nietzsche
                      "Nietzsche is dead." - God


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by bongo
                        I'm currently giving them some GPT(20 to 50, I'm not sure) as payment for a tech I bought. No other trades. I'm also at war with the rest of the world (they even refuse to meet my envoy) so I can't sell them anything.

                        The french are annoyed or furios with me. I have one or two of their workers, will they like me more if I add them to one of my cities?
                        This is the only thing that lessens the chance of war. The fact that you are paying them. After those 20 turns are up though watch out.

                        But, watch out anyway as there are no guarantees.
                        Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                        • #13
                          I made the deal anyway, so far they have been real nice and peaceful to me. I also made peace with the rest of the world, selling them every tech I can. I have a nice income now. Getting all those GPT from the other civ also means less money for research for them To further lessen the change of the french declaring war I build new units all the time now. I want to discourage any attacks until I'm ready for them(read: I'm waiting for panzers)

                          Demerzel : Giving other civ's replaceable parts is actually less risky than one might imagine. As cavalry currently is my strongest attackers infantry won't help me much. I plan to stay at peace with the world until I have a decent army of panzers. Then I will roll over them
                          Don't eat the yellow snow.


                          • #14
                            Replacement Parts is too important get into the AI hands any sooner than necessary. It gives Infantry and Rubber, but another huge boost is the double speed to workers. Not to mention it is a gateway to other powerful techs. Inf as defenders makes taking cities so very hard, you really need tank unles you are willing to take losses or bring a ton of arties.


                            • #15
                              hm. in this situation, when you want them to stay nice, maybe you could offer them 1 gold per turn. so they're paying you like 100+ per turn for the tech, then you sell them the tech, plus 1 gpt. even though you lose that 1 stupid gpt, seems like they'd want to keep the peace since they're now getting income from you. another thing i've noticed is that the AI doesn't like it when you don't buy their luxuries. i can be at peace with every civ, then the dye deal with the zulu will expire. when i call them up, they'll be "annoyed," then after i renegotiate the deal, they're "polite" or even "gracious." i haven't noticed the same phenomenon when *I* have excess resources/luxuries and don't trade them to the AI (yeah, like i'm gonna give them all uranium or something).
                              drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang

