What was the max. number of workers you have ever captured taking a city ? (in the same turn, from only one city, no city razings)
I coquered a city from the aztevs that had 17 workers in it!! I was stupid enough to take the city with my last moving unit so next turn they took it back and I had to watch the animation again. Next turn I took the city again and had to watch the damn animation with all the 17 pesky workers surrendering once again! BAAHH !!!
I coquered a city from the aztevs that had 17 workers in it!! I was stupid enough to take the city with my last moving unit so next turn they took it back and I had to watch the animation again. Next turn I took the city again and had to watch the damn animation with all the 17 pesky workers surrendering once again! BAAHH !!!