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Saving City Names

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  • Saving City Names

    I can't figure out how to do this, if it's possible. I played a game where I had around 200 cities. Is it possible to save that city name list so it'll be used in subsequent games? I figured out how to do it in CTP2 but can't figure out CivIII. Thanks!

  • #2
    You can give each civ a customized list of city names in the Civilizations tab of the Editor. Several files of such names have been made available in the Files Forum.

    I don't know of a way to capture the names you are currently using. You will probably have to re-create your list from scratch and cut and paste it into the editor.


    • #3
      You will probably have to re-create your list from scratch and cut and paste it into the editor.
      That is a fact. When you make your list, if you should decide to do so, start from scratch as the originals have typos (usually a space following the city name) that can cause at worst; having to rename every city because the same name keeps coming up, or at best having two cities with the same name because of the space. Also it is best to do this with Notepad and not a more advanced program as the more advanced ones add formatting which can also cause issues.

