Just finished this game.
Won by domination in 1940 or something. Was one of the more entertaining games I've played. I would have won sooner but my assault on the French hit a speedbump: I had taken 2 cities when they suddenly got gunpowder. And thus their GA was triggered. I managed to take 2-3 more cities but eventually my offensive of knights ground to a halt by their musketeers and I had to wait for cavs. I should have attacked 5 or so turns earlier. oh well. I learned my lesson when attacking the Germans, caught them a tech before they could get panzers and their GA. Hahaha.
This was one of the few games where I had a large navy: around 40 ironclads and 15 destroyers and 15 transports around the middel of the game.
Thansk for the game Olaf, was enjoyable. And the start would be hard not to win from.
One interesting thing: After the Romans and Chinese were left one city (landlocked in jungle
) The greeks marched on me. I couldnt' attack them as well as I would have liked, so the hoplites marched around my territory aiming for all iron deposits, pillaging then moving to the next. They knew they couldnt' take my pikes and I couldnt take the hoppies. Interesting. Then I got knights and that was that.
Won by domination in 1940 or something. Was one of the more entertaining games I've played. I would have won sooner but my assault on the French hit a speedbump: I had taken 2 cities when they suddenly got gunpowder. And thus their GA was triggered. I managed to take 2-3 more cities but eventually my offensive of knights ground to a halt by their musketeers and I had to wait for cavs. I should have attacked 5 or so turns earlier. oh well. I learned my lesson when attacking the Germans, caught them a tech before they could get panzers and their GA. Hahaha.
This was one of the few games where I had a large navy: around 40 ironclads and 15 destroyers and 15 transports around the middel of the game.
Thansk for the game Olaf, was enjoyable. And the start would be hard not to win from.
One interesting thing: After the Romans and Chinese were left one city (landlocked in jungle
