Last game I was playing on tiny map, 16 civs, diety, sedentary barbs (used mod with 16 civs on tiny, 1 turn/tech min and optimum cities x6 normal) played as Iroquois.
I played as Iroquois because of mounted warriors. I managed 2 cities initially before I ran outta room (AI takes all space real quickly here...). Then a German city to the North culture flipped to me (it was close to the other 2, The germans had 3 other cities South of me). I had Iron then but no horse..grr. French were near w/horse not connected. Took (last) city w/ horse and mounted warriors.
Then I attacked smaller of the 3 french cities (after they declared war on me) with Mounted Warrior army and many other MW and swords. got two leaders went to MW army other to herioc epic..all wonders were taken.
After this I wasnt I a position to fight for a while Finally a attacked the babs. By this time I was gettin behind on tech and needed to take city and sue for peace..But they already had musket and in industrial age while I was still in early middle ages. Nonetheless, I marshalled my MW army and a dozen knights and attacked their capital. Amazingly I got the city (w/Sistine & GL) MW army takes out muskets! definitely a good investment here on tiny map... When I got the city I suddenly learned all techs up to the start of industrial age!!!!. Has this happened to anyone before?.. was there a reason for this to happen????
I played as Iroquois because of mounted warriors. I managed 2 cities initially before I ran outta room (AI takes all space real quickly here...). Then a German city to the North culture flipped to me (it was close to the other 2, The germans had 3 other cities South of me). I had Iron then but no horse..grr. French were near w/horse not connected. Took (last) city w/ horse and mounted warriors.
Then I attacked smaller of the 3 french cities (after they declared war on me) with Mounted Warrior army and many other MW and swords. got two leaders went to MW army other to herioc epic..all wonders were taken.
After this I wasnt I a position to fight for a while Finally a attacked the babs. By this time I was gettin behind on tech and needed to take city and sue for peace..But they already had musket and in industrial age while I was still in early middle ages. Nonetheless, I marshalled my MW army and a dozen knights and attacked their capital. Amazingly I got the city (w/Sistine & GL) MW army takes out muskets! definitely a good investment here on tiny map... When I got the city I suddenly learned all techs up to the start of industrial age!!!!. Has this happened to anyone before?.. was there a reason for this to happen????