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Newbie questions: surrender, elite units

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  • Newbie questions: surrender, elite units

    OK I had this elite unit, next thing I know it gets an asterick by it * and asks me to name it. What is that? It's not a leader, I don't know what it is, and what advantage it has.

    Next one, it seems enemy civs never surrender anymore. Unless they never did in the first place. I just started playing again after 10 months, and I could have sword they surrendere to me. Or am i thinking of SMAC?

    and finally can galleys travel next to the ice packs around the poles? It seems they are lost in treacherous waters. meeting other civs is a pain if you are isolated. Although I was only isolated because I annhilated everyone else :. They wouldn't surrender to me.

  • #2
    Re: Newbie questions: surrender, elite units

    Originally posted by Dissident
    OK I had this elite unit, next thing I know it gets an asterick by it * and asks me to name it. What is that? It's not a leader, I don't know what it is, and what advantage it has.
    you have been blessed with a great leader. That elite unit that you named can not produce another leader until it is upgraded. Ex. I get a GL with horseman, it won't be able to produce another until upgraded to knight. Kind of a nice touch, naming your most sucessful units. It has no advantage over the usual elite unit of the type.

    Originally posted by Dissident
    Next one, it seems enemy civs never surrender anymore. Unless they never did in the first place. I just started playing again after 10 months, and I could have sword they surrendere to me. Or am i thinking of SMAC?
    I think you are mistaken. They might give you individual cities if you demand them, but won't fold completely.


    • #3
      naming units? I've gotten great leaders before but I've never seen this before .... is it a Mac thing?

      "Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion"
      -Democritus of Abdera


      • #4
        Re: Newbie questions: surrender, elite units

        Originally posted by Dissident

        Next one, it seems enemy civs never surrender anymore. Unless they never did in the first place. I just started playing again after 10 months, and I could have sword they surrendere to me. Or am i thinking of SMAC?
        Civs don't surrender in Civ III.

        and finally can galleys travel next to the ice packs around the poles? It seems they are lost in treacherous waters. meeting other civs is a pain if you are isolated. Although I was only isolated because I annhilated everyone else :. They wouldn't surrender to me.
        If they surrendered they would have lost the game anyway.

        Galleys can go anywhere including next to the ice pack BUT not till you have the right tech. Till then your galleys can only finish a turn in coastal waters without risking sinking. If you get the Great Lighthouse then your galleys can finish a turn at sea but not on the ocean. So most of the game a galley is likely to sink if you should try to reach the ice pack.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ThaddeusAlexander
          naming units? I've gotten great leaders before but I've never seen this before .... is it a Mac thing?

          No, you get it on thepc version

          make sure you're using 1.29

          and make sure you don't accidentally skip the screen, I have before. If you do, there will be an asterix next to the name of the unit. Only right after GL creation.


          • #6
            With v1.29 you get to name units that produce GLs. I guess there is no v1.29 for Mac users.

            edit: see above


            • #7
              Originally posted by ThaddeusAlexander
              naming units? I've gotten great leaders before but I've never seen this before .... is it a Mac thing?

              Shame on you. You haven't patched the game to 1.29f. Go download the patch and install it. NOW. Then you will be able to rename the unit that produced a Great Leader.

              Link to patch

              Go and sin no more you unpatched heathen.


              • #8
                i seee ... hmmmm

                i guess i better pull out a militaristic civ and play a warmonger game just for fun to try this out sounds like something kewl ... and I have 1.29.

                Maybe since 1.29 I've never actually been enough of a conqueror

                "Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion"
                -Democritus of Abdera


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ThaddeusAlexander
                  i seee ... hmmmm

                  i guess i better pull out a militaristic civ and play a warmonger game just for fun to try this out sounds like something kewl ... and I have 1.29.

                  Maybe since 1.29 I've never actually been enough of a conqueror


                  Time to go huntin Thaddeus, time to go huntin.


                  • #10
                    The named unit is an honor to the GL creation, and the asterisk (*) indicates that it cannot create another GL. After you upgrade, the unit name loses the asterisk so you know it is eligible to create a GL again.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by asleepathewheel
                      Time to go huntin Thaddeus, time to go huntin.
                      Indeed... Its been a long time since I've played China so I think I'll do that. Or maybe Japan. Hmmmm..... Its so hard to decide between Industrious and Religious (but now I'm getting off topic and wasting time ... to the game! En Garde!)

                      "Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion"
                      -Democritus of Abdera


                      • #12
                        And Yes the 129f is not available for Mac at this time.


                        • #13
                          Woo Hoo just got to name my first unit

                          (can you tell I'm usually a peaceful player?)

                          The "Shanghai Avengers" (since they were used to recapture that lost city).


                          PS I think when I said "Is it a Mac thing" I was wondering if naming units was a Mac thing, not my inability to name them. I have a PC, not a Mac.
                          "Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion"
                          -Democritus of Abdera


                          • #14
                            FYI, none of the Mac versions have had any "improvements" over the PC version, other than being able to accommodate larger monitor resolutions.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Jaybe
                              FYI, none of the Mac versions have had any "improvements" over the PC version, other than being able to accommodate larger monitor resolutions.
                              Good to know i guess Thanx

                              Although I'm not big on Macs myself...

                              "Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion"
                              -Democritus of Abdera

