I am noticing something unexpected in my game, and maybe one of you can advise me on how to deal with it.
OK, here are the settings of the game:
Monarch, standard map, 1.29, All Random, Russia.
I started as Russia in one corner of the banana shape continent. The expansionist trait allowed me to locate the English quickly and I moved to expand towards them to secure the maximum land area for myself. I thought it had worked really well as the AI could only settle 2 towns north of London. And then came horseback riding and iron working: one of these 2 towns was located near a horse ressource while the other sat next to an iron ore hill...
OK, maybe I was a little too quick at self-congratulation...
It never happened to me before to lack BOTH horses and iron. Believe me, it complicates warfare a bit...
I was busy building up my cities and my science so it took me a while to research these 2 techs and by then it was almost too late. Well, I actually planted a town SW of England next to an iron ressource one turn before the French.
I am now in the Mddle Ages and my economy/science are looking good. But a few turns ago Liz declared war on the French. Very bad idea on her part as they have great land while half of hers is jungle... She is getting a pretty bad spanking, they even took London a couple of turns ago.
Before this war my strategy had been to make friends with both countries and build up my economy to get ahead in science (built Colossus, GL). I was planning to wait until I could trade for some ressources before taking on England for some Lebensraum. Now however France is poised to conquer all of England within a few turns and I will soon be faced with a civ double my size while I lack iron&horses... Hordes of Knights against my few spearmen? I don't want to wait for that to happen...
So here is my problem: I need to take over the 2 northern british towns but I have only archers. I have built a bunch of warriors thinking that they could be upgraded once my faraway city would finally be linked to the Motherland by road (through foreign countries). Well, I just connected it but I can't upgrade my warriors!
I must add that the road goes through towns of both civs now. Can I do something quick (establish embassy, make deal,...) to get access to that iron? Or do I have to go in with my 3 archers and 5 warriors?
OK, here are the settings of the game:
Monarch, standard map, 1.29, All Random, Russia.
I started as Russia in one corner of the banana shape continent. The expansionist trait allowed me to locate the English quickly and I moved to expand towards them to secure the maximum land area for myself. I thought it had worked really well as the AI could only settle 2 towns north of London. And then came horseback riding and iron working: one of these 2 towns was located near a horse ressource while the other sat next to an iron ore hill...
OK, maybe I was a little too quick at self-congratulation...

It never happened to me before to lack BOTH horses and iron. Believe me, it complicates warfare a bit...

I am now in the Mddle Ages and my economy/science are looking good. But a few turns ago Liz declared war on the French. Very bad idea on her part as they have great land while half of hers is jungle... She is getting a pretty bad spanking, they even took London a couple of turns ago.
Before this war my strategy had been to make friends with both countries and build up my economy to get ahead in science (built Colossus, GL). I was planning to wait until I could trade for some ressources before taking on England for some Lebensraum. Now however France is poised to conquer all of England within a few turns and I will soon be faced with a civ double my size while I lack iron&horses... Hordes of Knights against my few spearmen? I don't want to wait for that to happen...

So here is my problem: I need to take over the 2 northern british towns but I have only archers. I have built a bunch of warriors thinking that they could be upgraded once my faraway city would finally be linked to the Motherland by road (through foreign countries). Well, I just connected it but I can't upgrade my warriors!
I must add that the road goes through towns of both civs now. Can I do something quick (establish embassy, make deal,...) to get access to that iron? Or do I have to go in with my 3 archers and 5 warriors?
