I had recently been wondering about the length of anarchy when a non-religious civ elects to change governements. Was it random? Was it dependent on number of cities or population? Was it dependent on civ happiness? Was it dependent on the form of government being abandoned? Was it dependent on difficulty level?
I have seen numerous posts speculating on all of the above (and various combinations of the above). Despite some reasonably diligent forum searching, I couldn't find anything definitive (i.e., convincing player tests or Firaxian comment). Another 'Poly poster even went so far as to post the query on that "other" popular Civ forum site. Nothing.
In a totally unrelated thread, a poster on that "other" site actually provided a link to an explanation from Soren -- just so happens that the link is to a 'Poly thread
To those of you who have, like me, been wondering about anarchy, it seems that Soren confirmed (way back in February) that the length is always between 1 - 5 turns on a random basis, with an additional 0-3 turns depending on number of cities, producing a range of possibilities of between 1 and 8 turns. Could have been changed, I suppose, in a later patch, but I have no reason to suspect that.
The link (for Soren's comments directly) is here.
I have seen numerous posts speculating on all of the above (and various combinations of the above). Despite some reasonably diligent forum searching, I couldn't find anything definitive (i.e., convincing player tests or Firaxian comment). Another 'Poly poster even went so far as to post the query on that "other" popular Civ forum site. Nothing.
In a totally unrelated thread, a poster on that "other" site actually provided a link to an explanation from Soren -- just so happens that the link is to a 'Poly thread

To those of you who have, like me, been wondering about anarchy, it seems that Soren confirmed (way back in February) that the length is always between 1 - 5 turns on a random basis, with an additional 0-3 turns depending on number of cities, producing a range of possibilities of between 1 and 8 turns. Could have been changed, I suppose, in a later patch, but I have no reason to suspect that.
The link (for Soren's comments directly) is here.
