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Bug report

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  • Bug report

    Has anyone else run into this one? I captured 2 AI cities, kept one and razed one. The one I kept was connected to my RR network by roads that had originally passed through the razed city . Despite that, I couldn't build RRs on any of the captured roads, or any modern units in the captured city, as if I had no access to iron/coal. I happened to have a spare settler, which I used to found a new city on the site of the one I had razed -- and now suddenly everything worked as expected. All this within the same turn.

  • #2
    Re: Bug report

    Originally posted by civjunkie
    Has anyone else run into this one? I captured 2 AI cities, kept one and razed one. The one I kept was connected to my RR network by roads that had originally passed through the razed city . Despite that, I couldn't build RRs on any of the captured roads, or any modern units in the captured city, as if I had no access to iron/coal. I happened to have a spare settler, which I used to found a new city on the site of the one I had razed -- and now suddenly everything worked as expected. All this within the same turn.
    When you razed the city, did another civ cultural border pop out over the roads?
    Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


    • #3
      When you razed the city, did another civ cultural border pop out over the roads?
      No. This was an Iroquois enclave entirely surrounded by my territory. There was a third city in the enclave, which I also razed - couldn't build RR on its roads either, until I built my own city.


      • #4
        Hmm... I bet if you had waited 1 turn w/o building a city it would have worked properly. I've run into RR building glitches like that before in captured or neutral territory.

        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


        • #5
          I was able to build RR as normal in territories formely owned by an enemy civ.
          I'm with patch 1.29, maybe if don't have applyed it, you should.
          Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


          • #6
            Arrian is right, you must wait untill the next turn before the ownership change registers with the program. It's not a glitch or a bug, it's just the way the program works.


            • #7
              Yes I saw this recently and was fine the next turn. I just ignored it.

