Current game is 1.29f, Emperor, no mods, small map, all random.
Long story short is that I have engaged in some late industrial age warfare and ruthlessly razed huge swaths of enemy cities on a distant continent - haven't done this in a long time, but the pesky, technologically backward civ backstabbed my for the fourth time in this game and I had had enough
I have dozens of slaves. I am building settlers and rushing temples in the distant continent just to claim the land - the game is won, but I'm going to go on to conquest and I don't want to deal with a few AI cities popping up here and there.
I have stationed slave workers every four or five tiles simply to hold back the fog-of-war. Barbarian level (random) must be raging or maybe restless, since a new barb hut pops up every third turn or so (I never had an uprising which would enable a determination by counting horsemen).
Barb huts are appearing, sometimes right next to a stationed slave worker in the full glow of daylight! I have never seen this before, always having "seen" barb huts only popping up in the greyed-out fog-of-war. Is this a common occurence, a change under 1.29f, or a buggy game?
Long story short is that I have engaged in some late industrial age warfare and ruthlessly razed huge swaths of enemy cities on a distant continent - haven't done this in a long time, but the pesky, technologically backward civ backstabbed my for the fourth time in this game and I had had enough

I have stationed slave workers every four or five tiles simply to hold back the fog-of-war. Barbarian level (random) must be raging or maybe restless, since a new barb hut pops up every third turn or so (I never had an uprising which would enable a determination by counting horsemen).
Barb huts are appearing, sometimes right next to a stationed slave worker in the full glow of daylight! I have never seen this before, always having "seen" barb huts only popping up in the greyed-out fog-of-war. Is this a common occurence, a change under 1.29f, or a buggy game?
