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Relationship between barbarians and huts

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  • Relationship between barbarians and huts

    I know I read it somewhere. That the more raging you set the barbarians to the more goodie huts there could be. And if you set the game to no barbarians, there will be no goodie huts.

    But I have looked through the manual and can not find it. Did I read that here? Or did I dream it?

    Could someone set me straight? (I am not talking about mods or editing. I am talking about how you set up a new game and what level of barbarian activity you choose.)


  • #2
    The things that I remember are that there are no goody huts, when you choose 'no barbarians' and only goody huts (without any active barbarians, which could attack you), when you choose 'sedentary barbarians'.


    • #3
      I used to set games to random barbarians, and whenver there were no barbs, there were no huts either.

      However, now I play raging barbs all the time, and sometimes I find very few huts, but I think that is just luck of the scatter, the "missing" huts are discovered by those *&!! scouts running around from other civs!


      • #4
        As far as I can tell only the no barbarian option effects the number of goody huts. All the rest effect the encampments and the number of barbarians involved in raging hordes.

        More encampments actually makes the game a bit easier on the lower levels and harder on the higher levels. On the lower it mostly results in you getting more money since you have big bonus vs barbarians. On higher levels the bonus is either low or nonexistent so they become dangerous enough the the extra money doesn't make up for the risk.


        • #5
          Yes like when they send a stack of 20+ horsemen at your warriors protecting your fledgling civilization.
          A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


          • #6
            The raging hordes start after the SECOND civ crosses an era boundry. So mostly it happens at the Ancient/Medieval boundry since the encampments are usually all gone by the next era change.


            • #7
              So are you guys saying that "no barbarians" = no goodie huts?

              And the other level settings for barbarians is not a prediction for the number of huts?

              Raging would not equal lots of huts then?



              • #8
                You got it.

                More barbarians DOES equal more encampments though and that can produce more money. Not worth it on the higher levels due to higher loss of units to barbarians.

