The situations of my latest game have required me to stick with Monarchy for a very long time ( more than 200 turns!). After thinking about this for a while, I have concluded that you should be rewarded for sticking with the same government for a long time.
Governments don't stay the same for hundreds of years, they evolve. Why should my Monarchy have given me the same benefits from its inception in 200 B.C. as it does in 1850 A.D.? I think that if you keep your type of government type for a certain number of turns, you should be able to modify it. For instance, I could be able to turn my Monarchy into a Constitutional monarchy in the manner of Imperial Britain, giving my people more freedom and allowing the same trade rate as a base Democracy. I could also decide to turn my Monarchy into an Absolute Monarchy in the French manner and be able to pacify more citizens militarily. Both forms should be better at handling Corruption than feudal Monarchy. All government types should evolve.
This would reward people for staying in the same government for a long time, because it would reward stability. Stable states are much more effective at governing than are unstable states. On the other side, starting a revolution in these advanced states should cause a longer period of anarchy. After all, it is hard to overturn an advanced government. When order is finally restored, the new form of government will start out at a base level and have to develop. Base Democracy might not generate as much wealth as a Constitutional Monarchy at first.
Allowing governments to evovle would make all of the governments viable throughout the game. No longer would people automatically switch governments, because the more modern government might not be as beneficial to their civilization as the old government. This would add strategy and depth to the game, and reward those who keep stable Civilizations.
Governments don't stay the same for hundreds of years, they evolve. Why should my Monarchy have given me the same benefits from its inception in 200 B.C. as it does in 1850 A.D.? I think that if you keep your type of government type for a certain number of turns, you should be able to modify it. For instance, I could be able to turn my Monarchy into a Constitutional monarchy in the manner of Imperial Britain, giving my people more freedom and allowing the same trade rate as a base Democracy. I could also decide to turn my Monarchy into an Absolute Monarchy in the French manner and be able to pacify more citizens militarily. Both forms should be better at handling Corruption than feudal Monarchy. All government types should evolve.
This would reward people for staying in the same government for a long time, because it would reward stability. Stable states are much more effective at governing than are unstable states. On the other side, starting a revolution in these advanced states should cause a longer period of anarchy. After all, it is hard to overturn an advanced government. When order is finally restored, the new form of government will start out at a base level and have to develop. Base Democracy might not generate as much wealth as a Constitutional Monarchy at first.
Allowing governments to evovle would make all of the governments viable throughout the game. No longer would people automatically switch governments, because the more modern government might not be as beneficial to their civilization as the old government. This would add strategy and depth to the game, and reward those who keep stable Civilizations.