I think the United Nations was very badly represented in Civ 2. First, even though the U.N. HQ is in New York City, U.S.A. it does not mean that the U.S. controls it. Second, it acts more of a "police force" for the planet. It cannot force warring countries to make peace with its members but it will orginize a task force using the member's armies to oppose those countries.
I believe that both Marco Polo's Embassy and the U.N. should not be wonders but something like the SMAC World council (Or whatever it was called). Maybe Marco Polo's Embassy should be tossed away since there was no organization then. I think the U.N. should be something like this:
1. A worldwide organization that is created when there may be a group of countries are all allied together and wish to set up a organization to maintain peace around the world.
2. Membership is decided by present members who would vote to grant membership to them or to keep them out (Not that you can't bribe members to vote Yes or No).
3. Members have a full embassy with other members.
4. If members have problems with another they can settle it in the International Court. In this they would each present their problems ( Nothing complicated, something like stationing troops too close to someone's cities.) and it would be resolved by a jury (Member civs) who would vote on what to do.
5. There would be a Supreme Council consisting of the 3 most powerful members. The 3 would be the most advanced civ, civ with largest and best army, and the richest member. They would be able to veto anything put to them by another civ and they would make the final decision to admit a civ into the U.N. (Again they can be bribed).
6. If a U.N. country is attacked by a non-U.N. member then each U.N. member must submit at least 2 military units to help the attacked country. The units are then commanded by the country for the duration of the war.
7. If a U.N. member attacks a U.N. member then it is expelled from the U.N. and every other member must declare war on the offending civ. If the offending country begs for peace it is forced to pay sanctions to the victim country and to the U.N. itself. If the country fights than all members are required to fight it until the country is completly destroyed or until it gives up.
8. Each U.N. member is required to submit money to the U.N. based on its GNP (about 3% of its GNP a turn). The money is then free to be used by any member but if it is not repayed on its agreed payback date then it is fined and the amount borrowed is instantly deducted from its treasury. One member would be the treasurer.
9. To leave the U.N. you must pay any money owed to the U.N. and you will get a small black mark.
That is all I can think of now. Submit your own ideas and revise mine!
I came, I saw, I conquered...my allies!!
I believe that both Marco Polo's Embassy and the U.N. should not be wonders but something like the SMAC World council (Or whatever it was called). Maybe Marco Polo's Embassy should be tossed away since there was no organization then. I think the U.N. should be something like this:
1. A worldwide organization that is created when there may be a group of countries are all allied together and wish to set up a organization to maintain peace around the world.
2. Membership is decided by present members who would vote to grant membership to them or to keep them out (Not that you can't bribe members to vote Yes or No).
3. Members have a full embassy with other members.
4. If members have problems with another they can settle it in the International Court. In this they would each present their problems ( Nothing complicated, something like stationing troops too close to someone's cities.) and it would be resolved by a jury (Member civs) who would vote on what to do.
5. There would be a Supreme Council consisting of the 3 most powerful members. The 3 would be the most advanced civ, civ with largest and best army, and the richest member. They would be able to veto anything put to them by another civ and they would make the final decision to admit a civ into the U.N. (Again they can be bribed).
6. If a U.N. country is attacked by a non-U.N. member then each U.N. member must submit at least 2 military units to help the attacked country. The units are then commanded by the country for the duration of the war.
7. If a U.N. member attacks a U.N. member then it is expelled from the U.N. and every other member must declare war on the offending civ. If the offending country begs for peace it is forced to pay sanctions to the victim country and to the U.N. itself. If the country fights than all members are required to fight it until the country is completly destroyed or until it gives up.
8. Each U.N. member is required to submit money to the U.N. based on its GNP (about 3% of its GNP a turn). The money is then free to be used by any member but if it is not repayed on its agreed payback date then it is fined and the amount borrowed is instantly deducted from its treasury. One member would be the treasurer.
9. To leave the U.N. you must pay any money owed to the U.N. and you will get a small black mark.
That is all I can think of now. Submit your own ideas and revise mine!

I came, I saw, I conquered...my allies!!