Has anyone ever seen the AI use combined operations? By that I mean using land, air and sea units in a coordinated attack on a city or strategic objective.
I realize this only applies in the later eras and while I get there quite frequently I have yet to see the AI deploy units in this way. In fact, I have yet to see the AI put aircraft on carriers; they always seem to be empty when I sink them – and yes I pay the gold to check on this.
Is this phenomenon unique to my installation of the program, or has anyone else noticed this?
I realize this only applies in the later eras and while I get there quite frequently I have yet to see the AI deploy units in this way. In fact, I have yet to see the AI put aircraft on carriers; they always seem to be empty when I sink them – and yes I pay the gold to check on this.
Is this phenomenon unique to my installation of the program, or has anyone else noticed this?
