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About capturing planes

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  • #16
    Originally posted by vulture

    It's pretty easy to set up a test with the editor to show that with an unmodded game, stealth bombers, stealth fighters and cruise missiles can all be captured...
    Then my game is corrupt because even in a normal game (I spent this afternoon trying it out myself) SB and SF were destroyed. Cruise missiles can be captured.

    I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Thrawn05

      Then my game is corrupt because even in a normal game (I spent this afternoon trying it out myself) SB and SF were destroyed. Cruise missiles can be captured.

      Or perhaps my game is corrupted. Curious.


      • #18
        Your game is probably just fine.

        Certain units (chiefly bombardment, in any event, those units without A/D stats) are either captured or destroyed, depending upon if you have the requisite technological know-how.

        If you capture a city that bases stealth bombers or fighters, you will destory the planes unless you have discovered Stealth - if you have discovered Stealth, you will capture the planes.

        Same thing with cannons and Metallurgy - if you know the tech, you can capture cannons - otherwise your troops destroy the mysterious contraptions.



        • #19
          Let me reiterate, I have captured cities with SB and they were destroyed. I have never had a game were the AI beat me to Stealth, even at Deity. In other words, I had all req/prereq or coreq techs.


          • #20
            It usually happens to me when I don't bother to research Stealth (not required for a win). Perhaps someone can do a simple test with the editor (or I will try to do so later tonight).

            I have captured cities and destoryed SBs and other times captured cities and captured SBs - it has always tracked with my own technological knowledge (as I believe is stated in the manual or civilopedia).

            vmxa1 - have you ever captured SBs? Is it your contention that it is random, or that there is another trigger which determines capture or destroy? And do you always research Stealth even though it is a totally optional tech?

            I'm not sure what you mean by your post.



            • #21
              I mean I have never captured any type of plane. So I can only say that every time I have taken a city with ship/planes they were destroyed and I had the tech for them. I can not say it is not possible, just I am very doubtful.
              In games were I turn off short cut victory conditions I will end up with all techs. If victory can ne done with culture/space what ever, the game will likely end before that point. The AI is not going to go for stealth for some time, so it will only beat you to it if you just don't want it.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Gramphos
                Probably sometying with the changed rules of Marla's map.

                BTW why isn't the Creation forum used for this kind of discussions?

                Because it has nothing to do with changed rules... I play a standard rule set, and still capture stealth bombers. Not regular bombers, though.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Catt

                  I'm not sure what you mean by your post.

                  Sorry, Req/prereq/creq are terms for mainframe programmers using assembler language. When you have a program written that is part of a system and need to make a fix you may find that you need to force some other code to be applied. This may be done with a COREQ/Pre or req. This is a way to prevent a given fix from being applied if say it was meant for a correction that is not universal. In short, I was saying regardless of any tech need for the unit, I would have had it a the point in time where I captured the city and it was still destroyed. This is how it has worked for me in all iterations (that is I have applied all of the patches as they came out).


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by vmxa1
                    I mean I have never captured any type of plane. So I can only say that every time I have taken a city with ship/planes they were destroyed and I had the tech for them. I can not say it is not possible, just I am very doubtful.
                    In games were I turn off short cut victory conditions I will end up with all techs. If victory can ne done with culture/space what ever, the game will likely end before that point. The AI is not going to go for stealth for some time, so it will only beat you to it if you just don't want it.
                    Okay - I get you. I'm just saying that I (and apparently others) have frequently captured stealth planes (either bombers or fighters). But I've never seen myself, nor seen anyone report, capturing a non-stealth plane.

                    Stealth B's and F's do not carry hitpoints - they have no attack or defense points as Akaoz pointed out in the first post - only bombarment and movement (range) values - just like artillery units.

                    My point is that I believe that it is a game rule that pure bombardment units, when "captured" by an enemy, are either: (1) destroyed, if the "capturer" does not have the requisite technological know-how, or (2) captured, if the "capturer" does have the requisite technological know-how.

                    Your post seems to say, with quite a bit of certainty, that this is not the case. And I am just trying to get at whether your memory is faulty or my understanding of game rules is faulty.



                    • #25
                      I am well aware of that and understood it when you and others mentioned. It just has not worked that way in any of those scores of games I have played. I wonder if mods are involved in the games others are talking about? I could be confused about running into Stl Fighters and not bombes. I mention nothing about the rules and specifically said it may be possible, only that I do not recall seeing it. IOW you all may be correct and I may have just never actually run into Stl bombers and mistook Stl fighters in my feable memory. For sure regular planes I have seen destoyed in every game.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Catt
                        Your game is probably just fine.

                        Certain units (chiefly bombardment, in any event, those units without A/D stats) are either captured or destroyed, depending upon if you have the requisite technological know-how.

                        Funny, I've captured Cannons without knowing Military Traditions nore having the saltpeter to build one.
                        I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                        • #27
                          Well, you don't have to have the resources to build it, only the technology.

                          You can only capture units which you have the tech to build yourself AND have A/D of zero. And there are even special cases(settlers, nukes) which cannot be captured even if you have the tech. They possibly have a 'no_capture' flag set...

                          Isn't metallurgy the tech required to build cannons?
                          Don't eat the yellow snow.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by bongo
                            Isn't metallurgy the tech required to build cannons?
                            Yes it is.
                            "Build Ports when possible. A port gives you extra resources, as well as an extra tile for a unit to stand on." - Infogrames


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Thrawn05

                              Funny, I've captured Cannons without knowing Military Traditions nore having the saltpeter to build one.
                              Well cannons do arrive with Metallurgy rather than Military Tradition The resources to build a unit seem to be irrelevant to whether they can be captured. But it does look as though different people's games are behaving in a somewhat different manner. I imagine that vmxa1 and Thrawn05 are able to tell whether they have the techs to build e.g. stealth bombers when those units are destroyed when capturing a city, since they both seem to have a good understanding of the game. OTOH I know that stealth aircraft (fighters and bombers, not that the AI ever builds SF) can be captured in my (unmodded) games. Which suggests either a bug, a dodgy installation of the game, or some extra variable that we're all overlooking so far.


                              • #30
                                Somebody from Firaxis could enlighten us on this one.
                                "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
                                --George Bernard Shaw
                                A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
                                --Woody Allen

