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The Olympic games wonder

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  • #16
    With a recuring benefits system like Chowlett's, how do you address the cost of the initial outlay of funds required to secure the Olympics. Sydney spent several hundred million AUS$ (about US$15); on building stadiums; upgrading transport; bribing IOC delegates, before any of the benefits have been felt.

    "Common sense is not so common" - Voltaire


    • #17
      wernazuma: you must think your pretty ****ing funny with that... how many Americans have you met anyway? (internet doesn't count.. to many 12 year olds that will tell you that they are 20..)

      I guess you guys haven't full gotten rid of you facist past...your "Freedom Party" shows this enough as it is... Your rabid nationalism makes me sick. You prolly based that comment on a bunch of 12 year old Canadians.. but then that wouldn't be as "funny" would it?

      Only explanations I can come up with are that you write these comments to make up for some "physical shortcomings", or that you are just jealous of the good parts of the US; faster economic growth rate, largest productivity per person, low unemployment, etc. None of which you'd like to mention.

      Also notice that Austria-Australia look almost exactly the same at first glance, and to someone who is dyslexic it will continue to do so with multiple glances.


      • #18
        Ehi RyanR, aren't you overreact? I just saw some time ago a strip by Dilbert comics with a similar joke on "Austria not the same of Australia" and AFAIK Dilbert is draw in USA by Scott Adams.

        Of course, may be I missed some previus nasty post of wernazuma that already have pissed you, but I really can't see where and why in this thread someone have to mention good or bad things about americans.

        Just about olympic games, USA have and had lot of great champions, but the same is true for other countries, isnt'it?

        Dear, I can really understand why in CIV diplomatic agreements are so difficult: Sid take fans' forum as example!

        Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
        "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
        - Admiral Naismith


        • #19
          I resent that anti-Canadaian 12 year olds remark strongly...

          Spamcorder's reading positive.....

          Anyhow, let's get back on topic.... So we mentioned a need for both a cash and production cost to building the Olympics, anything else on that?
          [This message has been edited by Shadowstrike (edited September 25, 2000).]
          *grumbles about work*

