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obtaining tech from others

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  • #16
    Good Idea Mo. For the vast majority of technology, it is not necessary for the end user to understand the theory behind a technology in order to use it. A rifleman doesn't need to understand his weapon: just how to load, point and shoot.

    When a technology is stolen, the units and structures that tech allows, should be avialable. However, the further ahead the stolen tech is ahead of the theifs tech level, the more inferior the units/structures are. (i.e. if you steal labour union, your MI's have less hitpoints than those who discover LU on their own. More so if you're still in the bronze age).

    In addition, Tech's with the stolen tech as a prereq, can't be researched until all the prereq's of the stolen tech are known. (I think that makes sense. .)

    "Common sense is not so common" - Voltaire


    • #17

      In addition, Tech's with the stolen tech as a prereq, can't be researched until all the prereq's of the stolen tech are known. (I think that makes sense.

      This is a very good idea.

      But I think this would make the game too complex (it's realism vs playability again...):

      When a technology is stolen, the units and structures that tech allows, should be avialable. However, the further ahead the stolen tech is ahead of the theifs tech level, the more inferior the units/structures are. (i.e. if you steal labour union, your MI's have less hitpoints than those who discover LU on their own. More so if you're still in the bronze age).

      No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards...
      No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)

