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How do you get more civs on smaller maps?

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  • How do you get more civs on smaller maps?

    I remember hearing that there is a way of having more Civs on the smaller maps through the editor. My plan was to get 16 Civs on a tiny map and see how it goes (it's gonna be one hellova REX!)

  • #2
    Go into civedit: the no. of civs per amp is in the World Sizes tab of the Rules.
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    • #3
      It will be vewy vewy cwoded.

      Europe on Marla's mega map is really tight and it has 16 civs. Some parts of that map are fairly open but Europe is cheek by jowel. You might want to try with eigth first. At least then you can see them all in the Foreign Advisor screen as they screem bloody murder about the crowding.

      Ghandi 'Wheres that damn NI Civ. That SOB is responsible for this Black Hole of Calcutta'

      Liz 'I will demand the NI Civ's first born for tribute I am tired of having my head rammed up that ***** Catherine's arse'

      Cathy 'I am going to kill everyone of you just to so I can get my beuty sleep'

      Bismark '@%&#@$%&*()@#%&)@%#&*)& the NI Civ )(@*%*(%@#)(&%#)*TUW'

      Tokagawa 'We Japanese are used to crowding but I had to kill everyone in half our cities just so there would be a place to sit down'

      Joan 'I had to switch to go for the Modern Age just to cool down by wearing the T-shirt its so fouly crowded. SLAY THE NI CIV so we will have some blessed room'

      Oh bloody hell that enough nonsense for now. Go ahead play on tiny map with sixteen civs but don't blame me when the AI Civs rebel and you are found dead in your closet strangled by formerly missing socks and hangers wielded by other non-existent but enraged inteligences.


      • #4
        Will do. And I'll tell you how it goes

